Love Bites

Free Love Bites by Angela Knight

Book: Love Bites by Angela Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Knight
the red lace, she looked at them from beneath her lashes. To her satisfaction, lust flared in the eyes of all three men.
    Percival was the first to sit back as his gaze shuttered, that handsome mouth taking a cruel set. “Just shows how desperate you are, Morgana. Answer’s still no. I’ve had it. We’re no longer effective together.”
    Marrok nodded, though at least there was longing in his eyes as he contemplated her near-nudity. “We’ve been discussing this for a while now. I’d always argued in your favor, but what happened today has changed my mind. There’s too much emotional shit with you, Morgana. It’s a problem.”
    Her temper began to steam, almost drowning out her panic. “There isn’t a witch in Avalon with the power I have, and you know it!”
    “That’s not the point, Morgana.” Percival paused to down a slug of his drink. “Raw power doesn’t mean a damn thing if we can’t trust you not to misuse it the way you did tonight. Or have you forgotten those two women almost died?”
    “The dragon hurt them before I even arrived, Percival! I cast that locator spell as quickly as I could, but . . .”
You left us.
” He looked up at her over his glass, his narrowed gray eyes blazing. “You stranded us in that bloody alley so you could go off and fight that dragon by yourself. We had to call Caroline to find out where you were and transport us there. What if those women had died while we did all that utterly unnecessary fucking around?”
    “And what would have happened if I’d wasted precious time calling in reinforcements before we gated? I’ll tell you—he’d have
those girls, just the way he did the seventeen others who’d come before.”
    “Not if we’d gated when you did and held him at bay while you made the call. Instead, you damned near ended up dead with them. It was only the luck of the draw that we got there in time to save your arse. If a less-powerful Maja than Caroline had been on call, or someone who didn’t know how to do that kind of tracking spell, the delay could have been fatal to all three of you.”
    “The whole thing was inexcusable, Morgana.” Marrok’s jaw jutted as his thick brows lowered over hot black eyes. “What the hell were you thinking?”
    “She was thinking Percival had pissed her off when he called her on her focus issues, and she decided to show us the error of our ways.” Cador gave her that nasty smile that made her want to hit him. “Didn’t work out that way, did it, baby?”
    “Cador.” Percival gave him a look. Yeah, he was as pissed as any of them, and he’d intentionally cut her pride with the taunt to make her change clothes, but they all knew more was involved than that. “Morgana, you should have been honest with us about the way Mordred’s birthday would affect you today, and how it would fuck up your thinking process. You owed us that, but you didn’t say a word.”
    “Everyone makes mistakes. It’s not like I make a habit out of it.” She stalked behind the bar and grabbed herself a glass, then scanned the liquor until she spotted a bottle of eighteen-year-old Glenlivet. Splashing two fingers into the glass—and ignoring Marrok’s wince at her mistreatment of the expensive liquor—Morgana tossed it back in a single searing swallow. She banged the glass down and glowered at the three knights. “I’ve saved every one of you bastards a dozen times . . .”
    Percival picked up the bottle of Jack off the coffee table and poured himself a deliberate refill. “As we’ve saved you.”
    “. . . and the whole bloody planet at least twice. You could cut me a damned break. In fifteen hundred years, I’ve never given anyone my Oath . . .”
    “Because nobody was dumb enough to take it.”
    “Fuck you too, Cador.” Morgana splashed more scotch into her glass. Damned if she was going to do this sober. “It’s not an offer I make casually.”
    “And the first time one of us really tried to dom you,

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