Free MOB BOSS 6: THE HEART OF RENO GABRINI (Mob Boss Series) by Mallory Monroe

Book: MOB BOSS 6: THE HEART OF RENO GABRINI (Mob Boss Series) by Mallory Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mallory Monroe
soon as she got into her Mercedes and began driving away, she called
Reno.   Jimmy undoubtedly phoned her
because he was into something he didn’t want Reno to know about, but Reno was
his father.   He, Trina felt, had a right
to know.
would take several rings before he answered.   Which undoubtedly meant, she knew, that he was overwhelmed with work
once again.
I’m busy,” he said when he did bother to answer.
busy to talk to me?”
he quickly recovered in a voice so distracted that Trina knew he was
lying.   “What is it?”
your son,” she said.
Crawley I’m not signing that clown show again, I don’t care how much it’s supposed
to benefit charity.   Write a check to charity
and cancel the show.   What about our
thought I told you to take it easy, Reno.”
    “I am
taking it easy.    This is easy for
me.   Now what’s this about our son?”  
phoned and asked me to meet him at the Pointe.”
Pointe?   That shithole over on
the place.”
the fuck he’s doing over there?”
didn’t say over the phone.   He asked me
to come.   He said he needed my help.   I thought you could meet us over there too.”
are you now?”
heading to the Pointe as we speak.”
hell you are,” Reno said firmly.   “You
turn that Mercedes around right this minute and come straight home.”
couldn’t believe it.   “But he called me!”
don’t give a fuck who he called!   You
bring your ass home, Tree.   Now.”
what about Jimmy?”
handle Jimmy.   I’ll go and see what he
you but, Reno me, Tree.   I mean it now.   I don’t want you anywhere near that
drug-infested hellhole over there.   Nowhere near it!    So bring your
ass home.”
knew Jimmy was going to feel betrayed when Reno showed up instead of her, but
what could she do?   Show up anyway?   She could, but only if she wanted Reno’s foot
up her ass.
turned her Mercedes around, and headed back home.



taking her pretty time getting here,” Cooper said as he upturned another glass
of beer.   They were in a back booth at
the Pointe, with Cooper seated on one side and Jimmy Mack and Ashley on the
seat on the opposite side.   Cooper had
his feet up on the table.
said she’ll be here,” Jimmy Mack said.   “She’ll be here.”
is turning into a nightmare!” Cooper said anxiously.   “What if they find us?   What if they rush in here with guns blazing?”
won’t find us,” Jimmy Mack reassured.    He knew they were in trouble, but he didn’t see how getting all unhinged
the way Cooper was would help anything.    “I lost them.   They have no idea
where we are.”
Ashley knew was the problem.   Jimmy had
managed to lose them.   Now what were they
supposed to do?   Eddie never told her
what she was supposed to do if Jimmy lost his tail. In their nervousness as
they got the body out of the house, she left her cell phone at home.   She went to the bathroom, to try and use a
phone of any of the females that were hurrying in and out, but nobody had a
phone.   Or at least that was what they
told her.
I don’t understand,” Jimmy said, “is who was following us, and what did they
want?”   He said this and stared at
are you looking at me for?” Cooper asked nervously.   “I’m as in the dark about all of this
craziness as you are!   I was hanging out
at the house.   Now I’m sitting in a bar
with my friend’s dead body in the trunk of my best friend’s car.   A dead person who died at my house.   I can’t begin to think about who was
following us.   That’s like another load
of crap I have to deal with when I can’t deal with the crap I’m already in

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