Rain Glade

Free Rain Glade by John H. Carroll

Book: Rain Glade by John H. Carroll Read Free Book Online
Authors: John H. Carroll
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, tragedy, War, Druid, ryallon
would always pretend to
explore ruins and fight ghosts. The ruins of an old fort were not
far away from my house.”
    Rain kissed him. “Let’s do it! Let’s become
    The excitement faded from Jacob’s face. “If I
leave Lord Greffen’s service, my father will have to serve it.”
    Rain’s heart sank. “Oh.”
    “He’s got a bad cough from the mines lately.
I don’t think he can do it.” Jacob took her shoulders. “I want to
go adventuring with you, but my father’s a good man. I don’t want
him or my mother to suffer, Rain.” His voice was almost
    “No! I don’t want that either,” Rain said in
earnest. “You have great parents and you should honor them.”
    Jacob wrapped her up in his arms.
    Rain clung to him, afraid to let him go. They
stayed like that for a long time. “I don’t feel like dancing right
now, Jacob. Is that alright?”
    He kissed her. “Of course it is. I’m just
happy to be with you. Would you like to sit with me?” She nodded,
so he picked her up and carried her to their spot between the
roots. He leaned back against the tree trunk and they cuddled
together. Jacob ran fingers through her hair. “Who did your father
serve with, if you don’t mind my asking?”
    “He spent five years in the Aveen City
Guard.” Rain didn’t feel like talking about her father.
    “He served in the capital? Wow.” Jacob was
    Rain shrugged. “He hated working for the
Guard. Before that, when he learned my mother was pregnant with me,
he took off and went adventuring.
    “Why didn’t he keep adventuring?”
    “He took an arrow to the knee.”
    Jacob winced in empathy. “Ouch. Bad news
    “He still had to serve his time in the City
Guard. When he was done, he came back to my mother. The first time
I ever saw him, he was drunk. He’s been drunk ever since.”
    “I’m sorry, Rain. You deserve better.” Jacob
squeezed her.
    “Why?” Rain sat up and looked into his
    “What do you mean, why?”
    “Why do I deserve better? Perhaps I have
exactly what I deserve in life and nothing more. I don’t
think I deserve more.”
    Jacob kissed her.
    Rain enjoyed the feel of his lips against
hers, but she was expecting an answer. She lifted her head. “Wh . .
.” was all she got out before he kissed her more passionately than
before. Each time she tried to speak, he kissed her again. It
wasn’t long until she gave up and lost herself in his desire.
    She watched the sky slowly changing colors
when their cravings were spent.
    Jacob nuzzled her neck. “I must be getting
    “Stay.” Rain put a hand on the back of his
neck to keep him there. “I like the way you feel on top of me.
You’re not heavy at all.” They remained silent for a moment. “You
can keep nuzzling my neck too.”
    He chuckled quietly. “When did you get that
    “Verna gave it to me. Are you angry?” Rain
was worried about his reaction.
    “No, just surprised. It’s beautiful.”
    “Good. Now about that nuzzling . . .” She
gasped in pleasure when he continued. They spent a good long time
making love that night.
    The last thing Rain said when they fell
asleep was, “Always come back to me, Jacob. Please, come back to me
    Rain woke first and went to the creek to
rinse her face and get a drink. There were flowers woven in their
hair again. She stood and looked around the glade. A blue glow
flitted through the mist into the branches, but that was the only
sign she saw of the fairies.
    She went to put on her dress, but stopped
before her hand touched it. Jacob slept peacefully, his muscular
chest rising and falling. Rain went to him and kissed his parted
    Jacob woke up, so she kissed him more
thoroughly. Rain pushed her body against his, determined to give
all of herself to him. They made love with abandon, rolling in the
mist across the glade.
    Jacob carried her in his arms all the way to
the pool. “I

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