Her Best Friend's Baby
ass and tossed her over his shoulder to carry her into the living room. When he dropped her on the couch, she had just enough time to tell him the doctor had said it’s fine for them to have sex. Leith didn’t appear to have heard her because he had already spread her legs and knelt between them. The button on his pants snapped off under his assault, and he jerked his zipper down. Within seconds, he freed his rigid shaft.
    Zaierra put her hands up to his chest. “Wait, honey, we should—”
    Leith’s fingers found her wet, and he shoved her legs higher as he sank his erection deep inside her softness. She cried out his name, but he pressed a hand over her mouth. With long, determined strokes, he thrust into her again and again. Their skin slapped together with each entry, and the sound seemed to drive her husband crazy. He growled his need, his gaze never leaving her. She arched into him and tilted her head back with eyes closed. She belonged to him, and she loved every second he took was what his.
    Behind his hand, she whimpered and pleaded for more. Leith didn’t slow his pace. In fact, he yanked out of her, flipped her over in one smooth movement, and then penetrated her snatch from the back. He grabbed her hands and raised them above her head. Being imprisoned in his strong hold increased her pleasure. She pushed her ass up higher as he came down on her.
    “Mm, baby, you feel so good. I want to stay inside you forever,” he moaned in her ear.
    “I’m yours, Leith. Take all of me.”
    He held both her hands in one of his large palms and used the other to caress her breast. His gentle touch there let her know he knew when to be rough and when to treat her delicately. Her love for him grew to new levels.
    Rather than tear it away, he furrowed his way inside the cup covering her breast and found her nipple. A tiny squeeze sent arrows of need straight to her sex. She cried out, and her orgasm began to build.
    “I’m going to come,” she told him.
    “Yes, you are. Again and again, because I know what my woman likes, and that’s me right here.” He pinched her nipple a second time and then trailed his hand down her belly to her heat. Rubbing her button, he set off quakes in every part of her body. They started at her core and ricocheted out. She pleaded for mercy she didn’t really want, and Leith knew it. He tugged at her bud, played with it by rolling it between two fingers, and kept up the cruelty until she screamed into the sofa cushions through a powerful orgasm.
    Leith left her kitty alone to wrap one arm across her chest and one around her middle. He pounded into her for a long, amazing time, setting off aftershocks of orgasms. When he thrust deep and held still, she knew his time had come. She opened her mouth to ask him to wait a minute, but it was too late. Hot seed filled her channel, and Leith sighed in total satisfaction.
    They lay together panting, her husband on top of her and Zaierra with her eyes closed. When he lowered his head beside hers, she nuzzled instinctively into his neck. “Leith?”
    “Mm, don’t worry, baby. I’m going to take you again in a few minutes.”
    “I’m not worried. I just wanted to tell you one thing.”
    “What’s that?”
    “I love you.”
    She felt his smile in her hair. “I love you too, baby.”
    “Okay, two things.”
    “I think I’m ovulating today.”
    “Ah, hell.”
    “Here we go again.”
    The End

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