Better than Gold

Free Better than Gold by Theresa Tomlinson

Book: Better than Gold by Theresa Tomlinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Theresa Tomlinson
Wulfhere reached out to snatch up a larger twisted gold plate plaque, fantastically wrought into the form of two eagles holding a fish between them. Egfrid had last seen it decorating Cedric’s shield, the one given to him by the young wife who’d died long ago. Cedric would have hated to part with such a treasured possession, but it was the duty of the king’s companions to give their all for him—even their lives.
    â€˜And this…’ Wulfhere went on relentlessly.
    From another bag he lifted out what seemed to be a great mash of tangled strips, bent into a strange basket-like shape.
    â€˜Look at this, boy, and tell me your father is not a coward! Penda is old and sick, but he straps himself into his saddle and rides to the fight, a true follower of Woden. Your Faint-heart kills by treachery, hides in his castle and buys his safety with the symbols of his faith!’
    Egfrid’s eyes widened as he suddenly understood what he looked at. It was twisted and crushed, but as Wulfhere prised the strips apart and flattened them, the gold and garnet cross that Oswy carried ahead of his household warrior-band was revealed. How could his father have allowed this desecration of the symbol of his God-given power as a Christian king? Egfrid wanted to crumble into dust at Wulfhere’s feet and die. He could take no more.
    Cynewise had come into the strong room behind them. ‘That is enough!’ she said. ‘It is dishonourable in you, Wulfhere. The boy is humiliated enough. Chad, take Egfrid back to his guest hut, please.’
    â€˜ Come,’ Chad said quietly.
    Egfrid turned and followed his tutor, neither of them speaking until they got inside and closed the door.
    â€˜You bore that well,’ Chad said at last.
    Egfrid looked at his book-master. He spoke through gritted teeth. ‘If I should live through this, to be a man, I swear that I will make Wulfhere cry for mercy. I will take every possession he has, and then I will kill him!’
    â€˜Go to bed,’ Chad said brusquely.
    Egfrid threw himself onto his bed and beat the mattress with his fists. He bit the soft woollen covers to stop himself from howling like a wolf. Dapple whined in the corner, sensing his master’s distress. Chad watched in silence.
    At last Egfrid lay still, exhausted. Dapple jumped up beside him and eventually boy and dog fell into a restless sleep, while Chad knelt upright by the door and prayed all through the hours of darkness.
    They were disturbed in the morning by the sound of hooves and voices. When they looked out through the shutter, they saw that the gold was being removed from the strong room and lifted back into the wagon. Aldred supervised and gave orders while Wulfhere hovered in the background.
    â€˜ What will they do with it?’ Egfrid asked.
    Chad shook his head. ‘I don’t know.’
    At last the wagon was packed and driven out through the gate in the palisade, Wulfhere and Aldred bringing up the rear. Egfrid heard footsteps approaching and knew it was the queen.
    â€˜I apologise for my son,’ she said. ‘He is young and rash and angry…but he is my son and I would die for him.’
    Egfrid, pale-faced and red-eyed, accepted her apology, unsure that his own mother would speak so fervently for him. ‘Can we come out again?’ he asked.
    â€˜You can indeed…more than that! Penda heads back to Tamworth and I will go to meet him. You must come with me, so that I know you are safe. I’ve had enough of skulking at home while my husband and younger son go to war.’
    Egfrid exchanged a brief glance of pleasure with Chad, for he too was weary of Tamworth, and almost anything would be better than being cooped up any longer. ‘May I take Dapple with me?’
    â€˜Why not?’ Cynewise agreed.
    â€˜What will they do with the gold my father paid for his freedom?’ Egfrid asked uncomfortably.
    The queen’s look darkened a little.

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