Sand Glass
the chain reaction she had started and indicated I sit
down on the comfy settee. We sat there staring at each other. Each
had their own thoughts of the complex situation that this
experiment had brought about. Perhaps it’s all science; just
chemistry. I wanted her, but I needed to get this under
    Her Fate and
Jared’s fate might depend on what we did in the next few days. It
could be bruised and crushed by one wrong move. Something so
concentrated in its intensity; these confused feelings that I had;
were they just the illusion of a life that would end up not being
chosen? Inside I felt cold and creepy as I looked at her again.
Kissing her had been too much. I felt my mind was being shattered
    ‘I’m sorry.’
she said, ‘I didn’t realise. She really got to you didn’t she?’
    ‘I hope you
don’t think that I was being too err…. Forward.’
    ‘No….I don’t
know. Yes, perhaps.’
    ‘So perhaps I’m
using you?’
    ‘Well, perhaps
you are, but I’ll just have to accept it won’t I?’
    She looked at
me very oddly then, ‘You really are no fake. You actually want to
go back and find Jared?’
    ‘Yes. I really
    She stood
suddenly and went to the models on the table and picked one up, a
flapping bird.
    ‘I was playing
with you. I apologise….you are seeing someone who is cold as ice
really.’ She smiled at the irony of it, and then picked up a folded
flower, ‘I’m really not her you know. I wasn’t doing anything
except finding out if you really were ready to find Jared. You
haven’t changed your mind have you?’
    ‘You’re going
tomorrow. I will be at the Base by ten o’clock myself.’
    ‘You took the
    ‘You are
surprized?’ she asked me, ‘My curiosity overcame any other scruples
I have in fact got, that you so ridiculously may be unaware
    ‘I see. So you
won’t get in the way of our plan?’
    ‘I would have
to know what it is to make sure I didn’t do that, now wouldn’t
    ‘Not likely
dear Harriet.’
    ‘Don’t call me
    ‘What shall I
call you?’
    ‘Janey Arden. I
suppose that is going to be fine if this time line doesn’t explode
from the accidental similarity of the second names.’
    ‘I may see you
there then.’ I was being cagey now.
    ‘As you
    ‘I’d like it if
you didn’t try to stop us.’ I said firmly.
    ‘I wouldn’t
dream of it.’
    ‘I will find
Jared and bring him back. I made a promise out there. And I need to
keep an appointment…’
    ‘An appointment
with destiny?’
    ‘Yes…. Actually
yes.’ I straightened up, ‘I just hope I know what I have to do when
I get there.’
    She stared at
me with a curious mixture of alarmed contempt and admiration. She
picked up a another model. ‘Do you know what this is?’ she
    ‘I have no
    ‘It a locking
puzzle box.’ She said lightly, ‘once it is folded you cannot unfold
    ‘You don’t
    ‘I would help
if you were a little more compliant.’
    ‘I’m sure it
    ‘I mean; I
might be able to do something for you.’
    ‘You might? I
mean, you will?’
    ‘Perhaps.’ She
touched the box lightly with one finger, ‘on one condition….’
conditions,’ I said, ‘No agenda either.’
    ‘Tricky. I
might have to persuade you some more.’ She stepped towards me
    ‘I’m serious…..
this is serious. No tricks.’
    ‘You really
mean it. I mean….. you really…..well this is truly bizarre!’
    ‘About going to
find Jared. And going back to Cloud Field. Yes. It’s all true.’
    She turned
away. And stared into nothingness for nearly a minute.
    ‘Very well,’
she said, ‘If this is genuine. I will not get in the way.’
    ‘Yes. I will do
what I can to help you. Just name it.’
    ‘Okay.’ I said
with a tired little sigh. Now she wanted to help. I really wished
she hadn’t kissed me though. I wasn’t prepared for that.

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