The Choice (The Choice Series Book 1)

Free The Choice (The Choice Series Book 1) by Heather Gillette

Book: The Choice (The Choice Series Book 1) by Heather Gillette Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Gillette
We thought they had taken you in a vehicle.  Enoc found your smell further down from the road.  Enoc was the first to notice you were missing.  He took off and searched the whole time.” 
    “So I wasn’t imagining that you all have a unique smell?”
    “No, but I am surprised you noticed.  What do we smell like to you?”
    “You know Amber you smell like cotton candy.  Grace you smell like honeysuckle.  I even noticed that the men even smell.  What do I smell like?”
    Amber and Gr ace giggled and it makes me smile, “Yeah we all have a distinct smell; it is a wolf thing and you smell like the flower sweet pea.”
    “So wha t happens now?”  I asked. 
    “W e wait to see if your dad, Enoc or Ryan found out anything.  Who knows maybe they caught them.” Amber said while she tossed the last bit of chocolate in her mouth. 
    “ What would they do if they caught them?”  I asked.  I saw Amber and Grace give each other a look.
    Grace responded , "They will most likely be killed.” 
    I gas ped, “But what about Jason, I mean he helped me and he isn’t bad like Jeremy.  He’s good.”  I saw them look at each other with concern. “Would you two knock it off and stop treating me like I am crazy.” 
    Amber reached out to touch me. “I don’t want Jason to get hurt.” 
    I must have gotten a peaceful l ook on my face because Amber and Grace both asked, "How did he help you?  I mean he was with Jeremy and he helped kidnap you.”  
    “I kno w,” I said, reaching up to touch my necklace but it was gone.  It made me sad and angry that Jeremy took it away from me. 
    “You do because you’re not acting like it.   He was taking you to Caleb and nothing good would have come from that.” 
    I raised my eyebrows at her, “You don’t know what he did!” 
    Amber j umped off the bed and put her hand on her hip, “I would if you told me.” 
    “Okay fine, don’t go putting your hand on your hip.” I mimic her move.
    I motion ed for her to sit back down, which she finally did.  “Okay, Jeremy attacked me and was forcing himself on me. When Jason heard me scream he attacked Jeremy.  He protected me.  Then he made Jeremy leave and while he was gone he cleaned up my wounds.  He was nice and kind, he wasn’t anything like Jeremy.” 
    Amber cover ed her mouth and then removed it.  “You like him? I know that look.  It’s the same look you get when you eat Birthday Oreo cookies.” 
    I ran my fingers over the bedspread, “You’re comparing him to food?” 
    “Well you like food and you always get this happy look on your face when you eat them.”
    Crap she’s got me there but they’re so freaking good.  “Look, I am just saying he isn’t like Jeremy.  He was nice to me.” 
    I looked at Grace, “What about you?   What do you think?” 
    I kept watching her waiting for her to respond. 
    “Well it is kind of romantic the way he protected you and rescued you from Jeremy, but he still did help kidnap you.” 
    I kne w she could read the confusion all over my face.  “That is why it is so frustrating.  Please don’t say anything to my dad, he won’t understand” I pleaded. 
    She nods, “But if he asks me you know I have to tell him.”
    “W hat about Enoc?” Amber asked.
    “What about him?  He has barely spoken to me since my first day here,” I responded, motioning with my hands. 
    “Well I thought you liked him.  I thought there were sparks between you two?” 
    Shrugging my shoulder s, “I do but I don’t think he likes me anymore. I am guessing since I am not a wolf he wouldn’t want me anyway.  Come on he doesn’t act like he is even interested.  I am just someone he agreed to watch out for; for my dad.” 
    They both look down and start fidgeting with the quilt.  T hey’re not arguing with me so it must be true.  Changing the subject I asked, “Hey Grace you staying here tonight?  I am exhausted, is it alright if we get some sleep?” 

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