His Punishment

Free His Punishment by Pia Marie

Book: His Punishment by Pia Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pia Marie
    “Are you trying
to seduce me Tara?” he asked his frown deepening.
    “What?” she was
so confused. Why is he mad at me?
    He looked at her
hand playing with her mouth. And Tara abruptly moved her hands down. But James
still keeps staring at her lips and Tara gets conscious and bites her lower
lip. He moves his face closer to hers.
    “Rhea and I
broke up because of you!” he said angrily now intently looking at her eyes.
    Tara felt his
angry breath in her face and she shivered.
    “You’ll pay for
it!” he threatened as he glanced back to her luscious lips that he dreamt of
kissing last weekend.
    “What did I do?”
she asked nervously.
    “She had sex
with a stranger the night I was with you. Now you’ll wish you never kept me in
that fucking villa!” his frightening glare and voice echoes again.
    Tara is becoming
more and more nervous and stares at James while still nibbling on her lower
lip. It’s a distracting habit she has been doing since she was a child every
time she gets tensed.
    “I’ll make that
fucking lip bleed if you don’t stop teasing me with it!” he exclaims angrily
misinterpreting her edgy feeling.
    “But I’m not
teasing you,” she says defensively.
    “Where’s the
report?” he asked remembering it but still not taking his eyes away from Tara’s
lips and then looking at her nervous eyes.
    She turns away
and heads to the classroom door and James followed her with his eyes. She’s
wearing her favorite red tutu skirt. Her long and flawless white legs look
so silky. He wanted to scoop her up and saddle them on his hips. And her
shape is so sexy. He wanted to run his hands on her sides. He shuddered at
the intensity of his feelings. He is caught between anger and lust towards the
    Tara came back
with an envelope in her chest. She walks straight to James who eyes the packet
she is holding. She hands it to him but James is still staring at where the
envelope once was.
    He saw the bulk
that Tara’s breasts are pushing in her white body-hugging sleeveless shirt with
a big red heart print in front. He kept staring as if examining it via X-ray
    She covered his
eyes with the envelope. She was waving it at his face. James got it fast and
looked back at Tara with fiery eyes then left her and went inside the room.
    After an hour
their second class ended and she was waiting for James to return the printed
materials to her so she can finish it at home.
    She heard
stomping feet towards her and a loud smash on her desk. She looked up and saw
James putting the envelope on her table and then he vanishes through the door.
    I didn’t do
anything! Why is he blaming me for his slutty girlfriend’s actions!
    Tara is still
nervous and wondering what to do. She was already OK with James when she left
Samal. She still kept thinking as she crossed the street walking towards her
    When she
arrived, she saw that the other car parked beside hers is too near her car. It
is impossible for her to get in now that her car is sandwiched by two SUVs. She
is trying to come up with a plan as to how to get in her car, but it seems
impossible. She would definitely leave scratches on both cars if she tried.
    She called the
parking attendant and asked if either of the two owners of the vehicles is
near. The attendant asked the other attendant and she heard them say something
about the black Mitsubishi Montero.
    It was parked on
her driver’s side. Making it easier for her if that is the one to be moved as
its other side is spacious. The driver can ride from that other side. She
looked at the plate and it was personalized. JEA 25.
    JEA . Shit!
I hope it’s not for James Ervine Aguilar!
    She saw the hunk
she was scared of facing just a few minutes ago walking towards her direction.
She moves her shades to her eyes wishing it could make her invisible.
    She looked at
James who is still frowning. Did he never stop frowning since this morning?
Or just because of me?
    “I can’t believe

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