The Scarlet King
Captain Cook lowered the sails to half and
cautiously made his way into the narrow channel. The water was
indeed deep in the center but to either side rocks were visible a
stone's throw away from the ship. Once they entered the harbor the
sea breeze almost disappeared, as they very slowly made their way
to the center of the harbor. Again the anchor was dropped.
    They could hear the sounding of a horn which
came from the building that housed those of the Red. Soon a boat
departed the dock and made its way towards the ship. Standing in
the front was an important looking man dressed all in red. The
sailors manning the oars wore uniforms with red stripes across the
shoulders. In the rear stood another manning the rudder and
chanting the rhythm for the rowing.
    Watching them approach, Heather said to the
Captain, "Perhaps you should wear your uniform jacket. I will have
the young priest translate for us but I would the nature of our
mission not be known by those of the Red." She then added, "Those
of the Red have some sort of myth about a warrior with golden hair.
If you need to explain under whose authority you sail, it may be
best to use this myth."
    Captain Cook disappeared for but a few
minutes and returned looking quite official. They were flying no
flag and the official approaching became obviously concerned when
he saw the cannons. They stopped an arrow shot away and the
official spoke up, saying, "I am the royal Councilor representing
the Scarlet King. You will identify yourself and state your
    Captain Cook responded, "I am Captain of the
ship and would speak to the people of this land." This was
translated directly by the young priest into the high speech of
those of the Red.
    The official responded, "Do you sail under
the authority of the Scarlet King?"
    "I sail under the authority of Heather with
the Golden Hair."
    At this point Heather stepped forward with
her hair blowing in the gentle breeze but spoke not.
    The official was quiet for a moment before
announcing, "This land has been claimed for the Scarlet King and
you must depart immediately."
    Heather now spoke in the language of those of
the Red, saying, "I come in peace to speak with the people of this
land and mean you no harm." She added, "I intend to fulfill my
    The official hesitated before pointing
towards the catapult saying, "You will depart immediately or be
    Heather spoke quietly to Captain Cook,
saying, "I would we demonstrate Daniel's cannon. Could you land a
shot just to the left of their building?"
    Captain Cook was smiling as he stepped back
and gave orders to his crew to prepare to fire and selected a rock
pile to the left of the building. He nodded their readiness to
Heather who then spoke to the official, "I would you surrender
    The official began speaking so fast that even
the young priest could not translate. He waved a flag as a signal
to those manning the catapult. Heather turned towards Captain Cook
who said simply, "Fire."
    The roar of the cannon reverberated amongst
the cliff walls and the smoke and fire from the muzzle of the
cannon obscured temporarily the view of the official in the boat.
Those watching the catapult gave a cheer as the machine itself
collapsed because of the damaged ropes. Heather turned her
attention back to the official and repeated, "I would you surrender
    The force of the cannon had rocked the ship
enough to create waves which had forced the official to sit down.
He arose not but simply replied, "I have not the authority to
surrender but will submit to capture."
    Captain Cook asked quietly, "What is the
    Heather responded, "I would expect it is a
question of honor. It would seem that the Scarlet King does not
tolerate failure and those under his rule fear this greatly."
    Heather spoke to the official, "You and all
of your party from this point forward will be confined to your
compound. We will transfer you to the care of the army serving
under Don the Great, who

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