The Scarlet King
rock here was white in color and seemed soft to the
touch. The cliff ledge above acted as an overhang, providing a
natural roof.
    They were directed through a small doorway
covered only by the skin of an animal into a chamber which was cut
into the soft rock. The only light was through a small window which
was covered by a very thin skin. In the center of the room were
gathered six figures.
    An elderly male stood and spoke in the
language of Larby's people, "We would hear your story and of
Larby." He then pointed to a low bench built of reeds and branches.
Heather remained standing while the others sat behind her. She
summarized their encounters with those of the Red and their voyage
of exploration. Her facial expression told the story of Larby's
infection far better than the words the young priest translated.
The details of the war were very brief and then she began
explaining how the treaty was to be negotiated. The elders nodded
in appreciation when they heard that Larby was included in the
    By now Betty's boy and Heather's baby were
both tired of being held and were soon set free to explore their
surroundings. The elders kept their attention mostly on Heather but
could not help but smile at the antics of the little ones. Soon
toys made from small pieces of wood and bone began to appear as
others would enter and leave the room. When Heather had finished
her story the spokesman of the elders said, "We will now share in
the gifts of the God of the Sea, and after hear of this warning you
    Without any command obviously given, food
began to arrive. They were served bowls of fish soup along with a
bread-like substance. They sipped the soup directly from the bowl,
emulating the action of the elders. Daniel asked how the bread
substance was made. One of the women who was serving replied, "The
seeds of the great grass of the sea are harvested, dried and
ground. When mixed with a little water and allowed to sit for two
days it is ready for baking."
    Daniel thanked her saying, "I would learn
more of your foods, for you appear healthy despite the burden
imposed by those of the Red."
    Heather discreetly nursed her baby while they
ate; Betty's child seemed to just keep eating, which pleased their
host greatly. When the meal was complete Heather was asked to
explain the threat she saw. She again stood but spoke somewhat
softer and with less confidence saying, "Betty has had a vision of
a darkness coming from the east which has frightened her greatly.
We know not what this darkness is but I would assume it is an
invasion. Those of the Red were driven from their native country by
another invading people and I fear they may be again invading."
    The elders of Larby's people conferred
quietly amongst themselves before asking, "Why should we be
concerned that an enemy of our enemy may be approaching?"
    Heather chewed on her lower lip before
replying, "This enemy may be far worse and result in the total
destruction of our societies."
    Again the elders conferred quietly before
asking, "What would you have us do?"
    Heather carefully chose her words before
replying. "You are people of the sea, not warriors. Your role is to
survive and serve as eyes on the sea to warn those who are
warriors." She continued, "Your people and my people are
descendants of those who survived the last invasion. We need to
prepare so that we survive if another invasion does occur." She was
silent for a while before continuing, "Your homeland is now known.
I would you prepare other secret homes which could be used if the
invasion occurs."
    Another of the elders stood and spoke,
saying, "This is the home of my ancestors and I would it be the
home of my descendants. Our stories tell of the time when our
people lived entirely aboard their boats. This we can do again if
need be." He then glanced at the other elders before continuing,
"If we are to be the eyes of the sea, how do we communicate with
you from the north?"
    Heather spoke quietly to Betty

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