Guardian Angel Academy

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Book: Guardian Angel Academy by C V Ricks Read Free Book Online
Authors: C V Ricks
had their own alarm clock and set it for a little different time, depending on how long it took each girl to get ready.  Emma and I quietly went out into the hall to reset the alarms. 
    “This one will be 5:00 a.m.,” I laughed.  “It's Journey's.  We'll make hers go off first.  Where shall we hide it?”
    “How about in my underwear drawer?” Emma laughed.
“Yeah, that will be great,” I chuckled.  “She'll not want to look there.  Let's hide one on top of the ceiling fan light fixture.  They will have to float to get up to reach that one.”
    “Yeah, that will be a hard one,” said Emma.  “And, let's hide one of them right under Journey's pillow so it rings right in her ear.”
    “Perfect,” I laughed.  “Let's go hide them.”
    We hid all of the alarm clocks, taking extra care not to wake up Journey while placing the alarm clock under her pillow, then went to bed, eager to get some sleep before the ruckus would begin.-
    At 5:00 a.m., the first alarm clock blared.  It was a low and monstrous-sound.  It filled the air annoyingly as if begging the recipients to kindly turn it off.  Some of the girls tried to ignore the sound and hid under their pillows for more sleep.  Others began to waken and look around.  Finally Journey spoke.
    “What time is it?  I can't see my clock.”
    “I think it's morning,” I replied sardonically, enjoying every second of this.  “Does someone want to turn their alarm clock off?”
    “Whose clock is that?” Julie asked.
    “I think it's mine,” said Journey, “But I can't find it.”
    “Well, you better get up and look for it,” said Emma.  “It's driving me crazy!”
    “Yeah, I want to get a little more sleep,” moaned Julie.
    So, Journey pulled herself out of bed and turned on the light.
    “Hey, do you have to turn the light on?” asked Geena.  “It's hurting my eyes.”
    “Yeah, and some of us want to sleep a little longer,” I added, chuckling to myself.
    My light chuckles gave our secret away.  Journey realized what was happening.  “Hey, is this you guys' idea of a joke?”
    We didn't say a word.  Let her figure it out, I thought.  Serves her right.
    Journey made herself glow just enough to see, but not enough to cause the other girls to start yelling at her.  She started opening drawers and cupboards near where the sound was coming from.  Finally she found her clock in Emma's underwear drawer.  She quickly turned it off and went back to bed.
    After everything had quieted down for a few minutes, another alarm clock beeped.  This one sounded a beep, beep, beep, at a rapid speed, persistent to annoy us.
    “Hey, it's only 5:15,” said Journey.  “Who did this?  We don't even have to get up until 6:30.”
    Once again Emma and I didn't say a word.  I tried not to laugh. 
    “That sounds like my alarm,” said Cami.  “I'm going to have to turn on the light to find it.”
    “No, don't do that!” Emma moaned, secretly loving it.
    “I can't make myself glow just a little like Journey,” said Cami.  Cami was a twelve-year-old looking girl.  She must've died as a child on earth.  She had short blond hair, braided back.
    “I'll turn on my glow for you,” Journey offered.
    Cami searched for the sound and looked up.  Cami's small spirit body floated easily up to the ceiling, where she picked up her clock from the top of the light fixture.  Then she floated effortlessly back down, turning off the alarm.
    “Okay,” Journey yelled in exasperation.  “I know it was you, Josie.  How many more alarms are going to be going off before we can get some more shut-eye?”
    “That you will have to find out for yourselves,” I laughed.  “Now you better get some more rest before the next one goes off.”

    Chapter 11
    At 5:30 the quiet was disrupted by chorale music coming from one of the alarm clocks.  “Who has the Hallelujah Chorus for their alarm?”  Journey asked.
    “Oh, that's mine,” said

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