Guardian Angel Academy

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Book: Guardian Angel Academy by C V Ricks Read Free Book Online
Authors: C V Ricks
    “Well, how come it is right under my pillow?” Journey moaned.  “Come on, guys, a joke is a joke.  What I did was nothing compared to this.”
    “We thought you'd like it,” said Emma.
    Journey turned off Geena's alarm.  “Will you guys just get the other alarm clocks turned off so we can go back to sleep, please!” 
    “We must let the joke play out to fruition,” I answered.  “No use letting a good practical joke go to waste.”
    At 5:45 there was a loud buzz.  “Whose is it now?” screamed Geena.
    “Oh, that's mine,” said Julie.  “I think it's coming from the garbage can.”
    “Please turn it off so we can get some sleep,” I said.
    Julie fumbled through the trash for her alarm and quickly turned it off.
    “Okay, let's go back to sleep.  We still have Josie's and Emma's alarms to go,” said Julie.
    Fortunately for everyone, Emma and I didn't bother to set our own alarm clocks.  So, we all woke up at 7:50.  We had overslept.  We would have to hurry and get dressed, skip breakfast and go straight to class.
    We grabbed our gowns, put them on, brushed our hair and ran out the door.
    We arrived in the big auditorium just in time to go to our places in the choir loft. 
    Angel Crystal floated to the front of the choir.  “This morning we are going to practice our numbers for the graduation ceremony. The fourth week students will be graduating at the end of the week. The songs we will be singing are: “God Be With You Till We Meet Again,” “Oh That I were an Angel,” and “Lead Kindly Light.”
    We practiced singing for an hour.  Then Angel Angelique told us that we would be watching another movie showing how a little girl's life was saved by her guardian angel.  This will be one of your futures again.  This one is one of Kevin's future assignments.
    Kevin grinned and watched eagerly.
    The lights went out and a young girl, about 8 years old came into the vision.  She was jumping rope in her back yard.  She had blond braids and a toothless grin.  A young man about 25 years old and two boys came out to the back yard.
    “Hey, Kerry, do you want to go with us to get a hamburger?” Uncle John asked.
    “Yeah, we're going to get a burger and fries at the new fast food place down the street.” said her brother Mark.
    Normally Kerry would be thrilled to go somewhere with Uncle John.  Her family rarely went out to eat.  But instead of saying yes, she said, “No thanks.  I just want to stay here and play.”
    “You're sure?” Uncle John asked. 
    “Yes, maybe next time,” said Kerry.  She continued to jump rope. The two boys, Mark and Steve, got in the car with Uncle John.  Mark got in the front seat and Steve got in the back.  Off they went.  But before they could reach the hamburger joint, a car darted out in front of theirs.  Uncle John put on the brakes, but it was too late.  They were hit.
      The vision then unfolded with Uncle John's bloody head against the steering wheel, unconscious.  Mark was staring at Uncle John, trembling.  Steve, in the back seat, hit his head on the floor and was unconscious.  The other back side of the car was smashed in, the side of the car that Kerry would have been sitting in had she come. 
    The lights went on and the vision ended.
    “Any thoughts on where the guardian angel fits into this scenario?” Angel Angelique asked.
    Felix answered, “It doesn't look good for the people in the car.”  He frowned and paused, thinking of his own car accident.  “Maybe the little girl's life was saved.”
    'Let's see.”
    The lights went back off and the vision started again at the beginning.  This time a guardian angel could be seen floating next to Kerry.  The angel whispered something in her ear and then waved his baton.  The thought was entered into Kerry's mind and that is when Kerry said no.
    The lights were turned back on. “So you see,” said Angel Angelique.  “This is a very good example of Thought instillation. 

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