Guardian Angel Academy

Free Guardian Angel Academy by C V Ricks

Book: Guardian Angel Academy by C V Ricks Read Free Book Online
Authors: C V Ricks
sparkled from his glistening white robe.  He had saved many lives.
    “You will need to learn to float-sit before going on to red level or you will be sitting in a freshman class as a sophmore.  Who would like to come up and demonstrate float-sitting?”
    I looked around the room.  I sure wasn't ready to float-sit yet.  I could float a little but I found float-sitting to be harder than moving and floating.
    Kevin raised his hand.  “I think I can do it,” he announced confidently while rubbing his hand through his blond curls.
    I watched Kevin walk to the front of the room.  I was surprised.  He had never mentioned that he could do it and I couldn't recall seeing him float-sit.
    “All right, Kevin,” said Angel Samuel, please show us how to float-sit.”
    Kevin sat on the air as if on a chair.  It appeared to be easy for him, well, at least for a few seconds, until he fell to the ground.
    Everyone laughed.  Not to be cruel, of course.  Guardian Angels in training were not cruel.  He just looked so funny, so I couldn't help but laugh, too.
    Kevin just smiled a huge smile as if laughing along with everyone.  I would've been embarrassed, but I think he was enjoying this and he got up and floated back to his seat.  “Sorry, I can only hold it for a few seconds.”
    “Very good,” said Samuel. “I give you credit for trying.”
    “Would anyone else like to give it a go?  Use what you learned in your reading assignments.”
    A student with a round face and brown neatly combed hair raised his hand.
    “Henry, come on up.”
    Henry floated straight up and then float-sat high in the air.  He kept this up for about ten seconds before floating gently to the ground.
    “Nice job,” said Samuel.  “You must have done your homework.”
    “Yes, this is my favorite subject,” Henry stated.
    “I hope this gets you all excited to start floating,” said Angel Samuel concluded, looking at the class.
    I smiled to myself.  Soon I wouldn't need any furniture to be comfortable.
    Professor Occult waited patiently as we entered the classroom.  Many of us were now floating in through the door and to our seats.
    He then addressed the class,“We will go to the practice rooms again today.  Let's see if we can do better than we did last time.  As you recall, yesterday no one succeeded in becoming invisible.  How many of you practiced?”
    A few hands were raised.
    We floated and walked to the practice rooms, enjoying the warm sunshine and the blooming flowers along the path. I was feeling pretty confident because I did practice. 
    One by one, Angel Occult had us enter the practice room and try becoming invisible.  When it was my turn, I tried my best.  I couldn't see out to see the reaction of the teacher or students, but I could not see myself.  I couldn't even see my robe.  We have to be able to turn everything we are wearing invisible as well and I did it for a short time.
    I walked back out of the room and the teacher complimented me.  “Good job, Josie.  You were invisible for seven seconds.”
    I watched as others tried it.  Although Journey was better at glowing than me, I was better at invisibility than she was.  She was only able to do it for two seconds. 
    When we were all through, Professor Occult said, “Keep practicing and we will come here again tomorrow.”
    Day three of Guardian Angel Academy was finished.  I felt like I had been here for months for the amount that I had learned.  After eating dinner at the cafeteria and spending some time in the practice rooms with Journey and some of the other girls in our dorm room, it was time to go to sleep for the night.  I was excited to try out our prank.  After lights were out, Emma and I waited under our covers until it looked like the other girls were asleep.  Then we got up to put our prank into action.
    We tip-toed around the room, carefully swiping the alarm clocks from each bedside.  It seemed funny that all of the six girls in the room

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