Borne On Wings of Steel

Free Borne On Wings of Steel by Tony Chandler

Book: Borne On Wings of Steel by Tony Chandler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tony Chandler
the middle epoch of a normal Minstrel life-span."
    Mother whistled, a long, electronic sound that slowly faded away. “That's a long time. You risked much by fighting alongside us against the T'kaan, with such a potentially long life ahead of you. You might have died."
    "Indeed. But I evaluated the risk as worth it—for your sake, and the children. And for the universe to be safe from T'kaan."
    "You honor me, and my children. We will always value your friendship. I will now cross-reference the human definition of the ideal vacation and search for a planet upon which the children can experience it."
    "A delightful concept."
    "I only hope the children will embrace the concept of vacation and forget about searching for other humans for a while. I wonder if a vacation will be enough,” Mother lamented.
    "Remember how insistent Kyle was that the Kraaqi frigate go check out the planet Oord that serves as a trading center in the adjoining Sector, leaving only Rok to travel with us here?” Minstrel added, “I think the last few disappointments have really affected them."
    "I agree. But I do not want to divert them completely away from searching for any survivors, as remote a possibility as that hope may be. It is their greatest dream—to find other human survivors. And I do not want to damage something so dear to them."
    Minstrel's body glowed brightly, as if it might go nova. Minstrel spoke, its words echoing as if in a great, solemn hall.
    "O, but dreams die so hard. And well they should."
    "But when dreams fail, or never come true, it seems to humans that it is the end of their existence.” Mother paused, reflecting on that subject as she quickly referenced the knowledgebase where she reviewed the failed dreams of so many. Her checks found another list. “But if their dreams come to fruition, then it is their greatest happiness."
    "Well, being here may bring that to a climax. Even Minstrels travel, albeit incognito, to RahajMr to tap into its massive search engine, seeking out new worlds to visit. If there is mention of human survivors from anywhere in this section of the universe, and the Mrad are reputed to be able to gather data from all of the Known Quadrants, it will be here. The vastness of their knowledge is unheard of except for Minstrels themselves in our travels. This place could well be where Jaric's and Kyle's search will find success."
    "Or their final failure.” Mother's voice faded ominously.
    "There is another reason for our visit here,” Minstrel added quickly.
    "Because RahajMr is a focal point to which so many far-flung races travel to for data, it is the ideal place for Jaric and Kyle to meet aliens solely for the sake of friendly interchange. And enjoyment. In fact, RahajMr is the social entertainment center for this quadrant. Tourism is the second most important reason aliens travel here."
    "Well, I hope they indulge and have some fun. They need to,” Mother said.
    "I too, have a personal reason for coming here.” Minstrel's body undulated like a cloud as different colors shimmered across its body with emotion. “A reason associated with you."
    "Please elaborate."
    "Ever since I met you, Mother, I have marveled that a race was able to create technology that is sentient, alive. No other Minstrel has ever come across such a life-form as yourself, not in all the ages of our traveling the known universe."
    Mother's processors hummed with activity, remembering how the Minstrel race traveled to the ends of the universe.
    "But one Minstrel did report a rumor of such a thing—recently.” Minstrel's body sparkled as a bright red wave swept over and over its tenuous surface. “A few months ago, in a search on this very system we used today. That Minstrel reported a reference, a single item, about a living computer system created on a nearby world."
    "I am intrigued,” Mother said.
    But now the flowing colors turned to deeper hues of blue and black across Minstrel as the twinkling lights faded.

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