True L̶o̶v̶e̶ Story

Free True L̶o̶v̶e̶ Story by Willow Aster

Book: True L̶o̶v̶e̶ Story by Willow Aster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Willow Aster
he certainly wouldn’t be able to miss me in that one.” I point to the blue outfit. It definitely would stand out in the snow. Or anywhere, for that matter. It’s actually pretty fabulous. I might need to do a thousand sit-ups and squats every night before trying to go out in the Cat Woman-esque get-up.
    “They have the whole outfit in that store on 43rd,” Tessa says. “We could run over there right now for you to try it on. You know, get out of the house for a while, and see what it’s like out there in that big old city we came ALL THIS WAY TO LIVE IN.”
    “No need to get huffy,” I grin and jump up. “Come on, let’s go.”
    As much as I hate to admit it, Tessa is right. Getting out in the brisk air feels great. I can’t believe how I’ve been hunkered down in my room and books the last few months. I’m all about being a good student, but maybe I’ve taken it a little too far. I feel the rank cloud shedding off of me, like an oily layer floating to the top of the surface.
    The city is beautiful as we walk along the crowded streets. The trees are already lit with Christmas lights. I can’t believe I haven’t even noticed until now. Maybe the breakup and move across the country affected me more than I realized.
    “Earth to Sparrow.” Tessa is snapping her fingers in front of my face. “Ro? You with me? I’ve asked you the same question three times.”
    “Oh, sorry … what?” I turn and see the concern in her eyes.
    “Are you okay?” she asks softly.
    “Yeah,” I bump her shoulder with mine. “I’m sorry I’ve been such a downer the last couple of months. I can’t believe how patient you’ve been with me.”
    “I know you were crazy about Michael. Not as a boyfriend, necessarily, but he was one of your best friends. And Ian…” she shakes her head. “He really did a number on you. I’m kinda mad at him right now.”
    “Ugh. I know. I am, too. But I can’t be, he didn’t do anything wrong. I’m more mad at myself for how much I felt so soon … and … how excited I am to see him again in a few weeks.” My whole face crinkles into one big crease. “I’m ashamed to even admit that out loud. I need to just be cold with him and not give him the time of day.”
    “But really, why would you? Like you said, he didn’t really do anything wrong and maybe he just hasn’t been able to find you,” she finishes hopefully.
    I stare her down. “We both know he could have found me if he wanted.
    She sighs. “Just wait and hear what he has to say.”
    “Yeah, if he bothers to talk to me at all. We didn’t leave on the finest note.”
    “Here we are!” Tessa sings and pulls my arm into the store.
    Oh, so many choices. So little time. Tessa’s also right about the blue get-up. There will be no denying I’m in the vicinity when I put it on. Ian Sterling won’t know what hit him.

    - 6 -

    A couple weeks later, I’m packing all my cute new clothes into a suitcase, along with a few books I’ve added, just in case I’m a disaster on the slopes. Oh wait, I’ve packed a half dozen books. That’s going to be heavy. What can I say? I’m a fast reader. It would be so sad to get there and run out of reading material. This is a vacation after all.
    After my shopping trip with Tessa, I confess something might have been birthed in me. I finally get what all the fuss is about with shopping. Tessa could not be happier about this new transition. I can’t get too addicted to it, until I have more money under my belt, but it’s really fun to finally spend the money I’ve been saving forever on clothes that I actually really like. I would never say this out loud, but it’s possible that I will be completely fine with just looking good on this trip. And reading. If I have it my way, I will look good while reading. You didn’t hear it here. But really, who needs skiing when I have all these fabulous clothing choices to cover?
    Oh gross. I don’t even recognize myself anymore.

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