Riding Red

Free Riding Red by Nadia Aidan

Book: Riding Red by Nadia Aidan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nadia Aidan
veins. Teresa glanced up, her eyes meeting Jason’s, and her heart pounded harder and faster at the look of pure pleasure she glimpsed there, mixed with raw, unabated need.
    “Suck him,” Jeff commanded, the deep timbre of his voice washing over her as sensual as a caress. A shudder raced through her, as she slipped her gaze back to the pulsing shaft before her, the thick mushroom head glistening wet with pre-cum. Before Teresa could question her actions, before she could let doubts creep into her subconscious, she swiped her tongue across the broad crown of Jason’s cock, drawing in the salty taste of his arousal.
    A feral growl rose up out of him as his hand coiled tighter within her hair, urging her to take him inside her mouth.
    Teresa didn’t hesitate.
    In one smooth, fluid motion she swallowed Jason’s cock in a single stroke, until he settled against the back of her throat.
    He cursed, the lewd words stoking her pleasure, spurring her on. Up and down she bobbed her mouth on his cock, deep-throating him with every stroke. Jason gripped her hair so tightly, she knew that when she was done some of her strands would remain tangled between his fingers. Teresa ignored the slight twinge of pain as she savoured the pleasure of simply pleasing him.
    More pre-cum leaked from his cock, and she swallowed the salty, metallic taste as she took him harder, deeper. She broke her rhythm just long enough to glance up at Jason. His head was thrown back—his eyes clenched shut, his mouth open as he panted wildly. Teresa delighted in the vision of him desperately grasping her hair, while every taut muscle in his abdomen bunched and flexed as if it was all he could do to hold himself rigid in order to stave off his impending climax.
    And Teresa knew his orgasm was not far behind by the way his cock thickened in her mouth as blood swelled his already turgid flesh. She tightened her lips around him and prepared to take him deeper into her mouth, until she felt the probing nudge of hard flesh against her opening.
    Teresa gasped around Jason’s cock, but she didn’t stop, even as hot coals of desire ignited within her belly. Much like before, she could feel the urgency cording every muscle within Jeff’s body. So she was not surprised when he did not feed her his hot, thick shaft slowly, but instead thrust inside her on a single stroke until he bumped against the mouth of her womb.
    She cried out as he filled her, stretched her, claimed her. A maelstrom of pleasure erupted with a violent fury inside of Teresa and she shook from the intensity of sensations rushing through her. Jeff surged through the slick folds of her pussy, his thrusts going deep and hard. His every push inside her body caused her to swallow Jason deeper, and she took his shaft inside her mouth and down her throat with lusty strokes.
    Jason’s hand fisted in her hair, his fingers coiling tighter around the soft tendrils. She knew he was close when he began to tremble against her, his every stilted movement she felt racing through her. She quickened her mouth on him and the grunt that rose up out of Jason drew her attention to his face. Every muscle was corded tight, but in that moment he glanced down and their gazes locked. His eyes were mostly hooded beneath his lashes, but within his shimmering blue eyes, she glimpsed embers of molten desire.
    With her eyes still trained on him she sank down deeper on his cock, taking him to the back of her throat with slow measured movements. Teresa did not release him from the spell of her gaze or the hot wet centre of her mouth. Her every movement was intended to be an erotic seduction.
    A gasp tore past Jason’s lips only to give way to a groan as he tightened his hold in her hair and threw his head back. His cock pulsed on her tongue until finally it burst with streams of hot liquid that filled her mouth.
    His orgasm burned through him until Jason’s groan of pleasure soon twisted into a harsh desperate grunt as he poured

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