Conquering a Viscount

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Book: Conquering a Viscount by Macy Barnes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Macy Barnes
way back to the house.  He would just tell Clinton that with him married now, it was time for him to make his departure.  He had reached the front stairs to the townhouse when a scream sounded from the second floor.  He took off running in the direction of which the sound came from.  His first thoughts flew to Juliet.  He had to make sure she was safe.  He nearly collided with her as they reached the stairwell at the same time. 
                  “What is going on? I heard screaming!” she asked him.
    He pushed her to the side.  “Stay here.” He ordered.  Clinton came barreling down the hall.  They each took the stairs running.  They found a pale faced Emily with her hands to her mouth. She was staring in horror at the nursemaid Mary, lying in a pool of blood.
                  Clinton rushed forward and wrapped his wife into his arms.  He checked her over from head to toe while Jonathan reached down to the Mary and felt to see if her chest moved with any life.  She was breathing, but it was shallow.  “We need a doctor quickly.” He told Clinton grimly.  Emily nodded her head and took off down the stairs.
                  Jonathan stood up and followed Clinton into little Olivia’s room.  The room was in shambles.  You could tell a struggle had taken place.  In the center of the room sat one lone child size shoe.  Clinton walked over to it and picked it up.  Jonathan could tell he was in shock, and was trying to come to terms with the fact that his sister was not in her room. 
                  He was about to walk over to Clinton when he caught sight of a piece of paper on Olivia’s bed sitting next to her favorite doll that never left her side.  He snatched it up and read it.  “What does it say?” Clinton demanded.
    He looked at Clinton with his eyes filled with dread. “We have the girl.  Do nothing until you receive further instructions or she dies.”

    Chapter 2
    The house was silent and filled with despair by nightfall.  Clinton ’s mother swooned when told that her youngest daughter was kidnapped, and the nursemaid had been beaten half to death.  She was in bed, doted upon by a concerned Emily; all the while she was crying and wishing her husband was alive because she was sure he would know what to do.
                  Juliet cried herself to sleep on the chaise in the front parlor. Their family friend Elisabeth Ellenburg had come at once when Clinton had sent her a note alerting her of the kidnapping.  She left shortly after Juliet went to sleep with a promise of returning in the morning. 
                  Jonathan stood out in front of the townhouse watching everyone passing by. He could see Juliet from where he stood and was reluctant to take his eyes off her until they knew what this was about and why. 
                  The y were ordered to wait on further instructions. Clinton and Jonathan , along with their friend Thomas Faircloth, the Marquis of Ridgewood, and several servants were posted at different locations of the house waiting for the message.  He looked down at his timepiece and saw it was well after the hour of eleven. 
                  He caught the attention of the footman and motioned for him to come up to the house from his post.  He asked the man to stand in his place as he made his way into the parlor to Juliet.  He reached down and lifted her into his arms.  She sniffled in her sleep and wrapped her arms around his neck.  He looked at her beautiful face, swollen and red from crying and knew he would do anything to take away the pain that she felt.
                     He carried her into a bedroom and laid her upon the bed.  He covered her and kissed her softly on the forehead.  She smelled of roses.  He checked the windows of her room twice before he felt confident no one could enter and locked her door as he

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