The Dom's Patience is Rewarded [Unchained Love 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Free The Dom's Patience is Rewarded [Unchained Love 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Cara Adams

Book: The Dom's Patience is Rewarded [Unchained Love 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Cara Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara Adams
Tags: Romance
you anymore.”
    “My daughter is mine. My little princess, my Leticia. They’re all against me, misleading her, taking her away from me. All I need is a place to stay, here with you, until I get her back.”
    “What will you do when you’ve gotten her back though? Where will you go?”
    “That doesn’t matter. I just need to get her back. She’s mine.”
    That didn’t sound like Sam had much of a plan, either. Likely he’d end up in jail right there with the others. David shrugged. He didn’t give a fuck about Sam or his daughter. His own projects were more important. He needed a plan he could manage totally alone, relying on no one. They’d all let him down. They were all hopeless and useless. But he didn’t need them. He’d traveled from Colorado to Indiana alone, and he could do it again. Or go somewhere else. He’d been thinking about Florida lately. Maybe he’d snatch his bride and go there.
    * * * *
    By the time William got back to his apartment he was a nervous wreck. Oliver and Leticia had been alone together for hours and hours. Had they fucked? Had they talked and laughed and just enjoyed each other’s company? Or had they gone running as panthers with each other, maybe fucking in animal form, something he could never join them in doing? Had Leticia decided she was totally fulfilled with Oliver and didn’t need him anymore? Or had Oliver decided William was expendable, an optional extra Leticia could learn to manage without? It’s not like he could complain. Their relationship wasn’t legal under human law and even the pack wouldn’t expect them to try to keep together once the three months was done.
    He wanted her so much, loved her so much. He was okay with sharing her, truly he was, and he had meant every word of the vows he’d spoken. But he didn’t think he could go on living if Leticia was snatched away from him now.
    When he walked from the parking lot to the door of his building, feeling so sick with nerves he thought he might upchuck, there they were sitting on the stoop outside his apartment building, and Oliver was even leaning back against a luggage trolley laden with flattened cardboard boxes. And they were both wearing the bracelets he’d given them.
    The light suddenly shone brightly in his world, the huge weight squeezing his chest stopping him from breathing disappeared, and William gave a heartfelt grin to them both. “Thank you for coming.”
    “You helped us. Why wouldn’t we help you?” asked Oliver.
    Oh, so it wasn’t love, it was just paying back a debt. Saddened, he turned and opened the door leading them inside and across the foyer to the elevator. “I usually take the stairs, but it’ll be easier to transport my stuff on the elevator,” he said.
    “We came in JB’s truck so we could take your bookshelf and chair with us as well as all your things,” said Leticia.
    “You remembered,” he said, once again smiling.
    “Of course. We’re a family now, moving into our very first apartment.”
    Well, that was better than just paying off a debt, and it seemed as though Leticia still wanted him at least.
    “I’m so glad you’re wearing the bracelets I gave you,” he said.
    “I like it very much. It’s so pretty and suits us all,” replied Leticia.
    Oliver moved into William’s personal space and stared at him. “There’s something more behind that remark, isn’t there, William? Spit it out.”
    William suddenly wondered if he was the one causing the trouble, if he was metaphorically shooting himself in the foot with his insecurities. “No, no. It was just an idle comment.”
    He pulled his clothing out of his closet and piled it on the bed for Leticia to pack into a couple of boxes, while Oliver packed his books into another box. Then he and Oliver carried the bookshelf, his armchair, his TV, and the filled boxes out to JB’s truck.
    By the time they got back Leticia was in the bathroom filling a couple of plastic bags with his toiletries,

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