The Eternal Intern (Contemporary Romantic Comedy)

Free The Eternal Intern (Contemporary Romantic Comedy) by Roman Koidl

Book: The Eternal Intern (Contemporary Romantic Comedy) by Roman Koidl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roman Koidl
walked down the street to get away from the neighbourhood.
    “Loretta, don’t be stupid. I thank you that you called me and trust me with this but you have to do something. Maybe that guy will do the same or even worse to another girl,” I explained.
    “I just can’t ,” she refused.
    “OK, then tell me what you want to do? ,” I challenged her.
    “I don’t know ,” her voice was filled with panic again.
    “Does your brother know? ,” I asked.
    “No, no one ,” she countered.
    “Talk to him but I urge you again to go to the police. It’s not your fault. You did nothing wrong. By not going to the police you will be doing something wrong ,” I explained to her.
    She didn’t answer but I could hear her deep breaths.
    “Loretta, if you’re able to speak to me you can speak to your brother,” I said in an understanding manner.
    “Loretta, wouldn’t you advise your friend to do the same? ,” I tried to trick her in changing her mind.
    “Wouldn’t you? ,” I repeated my question.
    “Yes I would ,” her voice was extremely low.
    “So, then go and talk at least to your brother ,” I went on.
    “I don’t know ,” she responded again.
    “It’s nice to hear your voice again ,” I tried to distract her thoughts.
    “It’s nice to hear yours as well ,” she replied.
    “I’m sorry that I am calling you under these circumstances ,” her voice gained some strength.
    “No, please. The reason doesn’t matter. What matters is that you still trust me ,” I explained.
    As I was saying these words I could see her standing in front of me. Hearing her voice, thinking of the past that I had with her, reactivated my feelings for her again.
    “I thought about you a lot,” she said.
    I could see her hair being blown in the wind and her hand reaching out to hold mine. In my imagination I took her head in my hands and brushed her hair to the side wanting to kiss her neck.
    “Me too,” I responded focusing again on reality.
    She was thousands of miles away but in this moment I felt closer to her than ever before. That scared me.
    “How is everything with your job?,” she asked.
    “It’s going great. I even have my own show on the radio and I met a lot of very kind people down here ,” I told her.
    “Are you seeing someone? ,” her voice shivered.
    “Why do you want to know? ,” I asked.
    “I know, it’s none of my business ,” she pulled back.
    “No, I’m not” I interrupted her.
    “Oh OK” she sounded relieved.
    “But why should you care? ,” I got slightly annoyed.
    “No I’m only asking ,” she responded.
    “I’m sorry ,” I blurted out.
    “It’s only that I haven’t heard from you in months and now you are back again. Somehow at least ,” I explained.
    “I should have never called you ,” she apologized.
    “No, it’s good you did. I am happy you called ,” I told her.
    “No. It was selfish. You are trying to move on and live your life and I am bothering you. But I didn’t know who to turn to and I still really trust you ,” she explained.
    “Thank you. I feel the same ,” I replied.
    “I think I better go ,” she said taking a deep breath.
    “OK. But please call me whenever you want to ,” I encouraged her.
    “And please go to the police or at least talk to your brother ,” I urged her again.
    “I will. Thank you Patrick for being there for me ,” she said.
    “I always will ,” I whispered.
    “Good bye Patrick”.
    I have heard these words before.
    “Take care Loretta ,” I told her and hung up.
    I was thinking of my words that I said to myself as we talked the last time. I was right back then that it is not really over and I believed that I will be right again. But for now I was more concerned about her safety. If she wouldn’t, I would call her to see how things are.
    I looked at my wristwatch. It was 3:20 a.m. I had to get up in three hours. As I got back into bed again I wasn’t able to find any rest. She did it again . She confused me and got me

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