Fate Forsaken
up, angel.”
    “Ouch!” She tried to pull her hand away but he held her tight.
    “Sorry, love. I had to get you up somehow.”
    “I’m so tired,” she whined as she rubbed her eyes.
    “You slept most of the trip.”
    “Still.” Her voice was groggy. “Sun’s up. I wanna be down.”
    “Not going to happen.” He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “I have someone I want you to meet.”
    “What?” Rho blinked her eyes furiously, as if someone had busted the door open and she’d been caught off guard.
    Eldon leaned back in his chair so she could have better sight of Lukas. “Rho, this is my friend Lukas. I didn’t know he’d join us on the flight.” He glanced at Lukas. “Lukas, this is Rho, my…girlfriend.”
    Rho’s brows shot up.
    Lukas rose from his chair and bent forward to lay a kiss on her hand. “Pleasure is mine, mademoiselle.”
    Her eyes narrowed. “Back at you. But I’m guessing this isn’t a courtesy call.”
    “Not exactly,” Lukas said.
    A blond stewardess tapped Lukas on the shoulder. “The captain has turned on the ‘fasten seatbelt’ sign. You need to take your seat for landing, sir.” She pointed toward the front of the plane.
    Lukas nodded. “Eldon, I must go before this nice lady becomes not so nice. I shall see you both after we land.” With a slight bow, he stepped quickly toward the front of the plane.
    When he was out of earshot, Rho arched a brow and turned in her seat. “Well, that was weird. I thought we were meeting them in Paris.”
    “We were. Things changed.”
    She shifted back in her seat. “So what did I miss while I was out?”
    As they descended, Eldon explained their change of plans. Rho’s knuckles were white as she gripped Eldon’s hand, listening to him speak. She didn’t let go until they touched down in Paris.

Chapter Eight

    R ho sat in the backseat of the tiny four-door car, clutching Eldon’s hand as if her life depended on it. Which it still did, kind of.
    She was traveling Paris. In the daylight.
    And it was one of the most exquisite things she’d ever seen in her life. Lovely architecture stood proudly everywhere she looked, the double-sloped rooflines and rows of dormer windows all classically French. Winding cobblestone streets were lined with bicycle racks, and local markets selling fresh fruits and vegetables were open and busy with people.
    None of this would be so active at night. She loved it.
    The world outside her window traveled much too quickly, and she tried to soak it in as Lukas weaved in and out of traffic like a New York cabbie. That mover’s speed, coupled with her exposure to the daylight, made her twitchy as hell.
    “We’re almost there, Miss Vasile. Never fear.” The corners of Lukas’s eyes crinkled as he smiled at her in his rearview mirror.
    She tried to wipe the combination of terror and wonder off her face as she gave him a weak smile. “I’m fine, really.”
    He chuckled. “Eldon tells me you aren’t friends with the sun these days.”
    “Not really, no.” She shot Eldon a sidelong glance, and he shrugged. Since they’d gotten off the plane, he hadn’t let go of her hand for even a moment. His aura of protection surrounded her, although she couldn’t see it. This wasn’t like the protection circle he’d made before, where everything she saw had a tint of blue.
    The colors were perfect. Crisp.
    The car slowed and Lukas swerved to one side. “We’re here.”
    As he parallel parked, Rho held her breath. They couldn’t fit into that parking spot. It was way too small. Granted, the car was practically a matchbox, but still.
    Seconds later, the car was parked about one inch from the bumper in front of—and behind—them. Miracles really could happen, apparently.
    Eldon cracked open his door and stepped onto the sidewalk, careful not to release Rho’s hand. The sun was high in the sky, and she squinted as she peered up at the tall building. From the front, each building had its own paint color and

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