Fate Forsaken
design, but the walls were connected, creating a long, massive structure all the way down the block. Each resplendent in its own way.
    The one they stood in front of had been painted a rosy red, the windows framed in white on the top and flanked with aged shutters near the bottom.
    Lukas removed her bag from the trunk and motioned toward a tiny door. “This way, please.”
    “I can take my bag if—” Rho started then stopped when Lukas gave her a hard stare.
    “You are a lady. In Paris, the ladies do not carry the bags.” He shook his head and muttered, “Silly Americans.”
    She smiled and arched a brow at Eldon.
    “What?” Eldon opened his mouth, feigning his shock. “Don’t look at me like that. I have more important things to worry about than suitcases.” He held up their joined hands.
    She shook her head and laughed softly. “Only joking.”
    Lukas fumbled with his keys for a moment before heaving the thick wooden door open. “This is our safe house. I do apologize in advance. We’re on the fifth floor and there are no elevators.”
    Figured. The City of Lights was frozen in time, despite their progressive people. And she loved it this way.
    “I don’t mind at all.” The entrance offered no frills, just ran directly into a set of stairs. Even when the door shut and she started to climb, Eldon didn’t let go of her hand.
    When they reached the top, Lukas fumbled with his keys again. Just as he found the right one, the door swung open.
    “Eldon!” A bright, cheerful woman stood in the doorway. Her espresso-colored hair had been pulled into a loose chignon, and her black skinny jeans with black long-sleeved shirt made her a model for French fashion.
    “Evette.” Eldon reached out with his free hand and pulled the woman into a tight hug. “You look stunning.”
    Her cheeks flushed pink and she gave Eldon a shy smile before turning her attentions to her husband. “Hello, darling.” She gave Lukas a kiss as he entered the flat with Rho’s suitcase in tow. “Please, come in!”
    “Thanks for having us,” Eldon said, pulling Rho behind him.
    They proceeded directly into the living area, the kitchen and eating nook just to the far side of the room. The space was small but somehow exquisitely charming at the same time.
    “Who is this lovely lady?” Evette asked.
    Eldon held up their joined hands as a display. “Sorry, Evette, this is Rho. My girlfriend.”
    “Such a pleasure to meet you. Welcome to our home.”
    Rho cleared her throat. “Um, pleasure is mine.” She wasn’t sure why she had the sudden urge to be formal, but Evette’s classic French appeal made Rho feel like frump-girl. Maybe it was the need to compensate.
    “Oh! So sorry. Let me close these.” Evette rushed around the room, pulling strings around the draperies and yanking them shut.
    A pang of guilt rushed in as Rho realized the woman was trying to accommodate for her vampish nature. “You don’t have to—”
    Evette raised a hand. “Nonsense! Your friend Preshea told me you were a vampire. I understand your needs.” She yanked another string. “Although I must say, Eldon, this spell you’re pulling off right now is impressive.”
    “Thanks.” Eldon shrugged a shoulder and glanced at the floor, as if embarrassed by the compliment.
    When Evette finished pulling the blinds and only the artificial light illuminated the space, Eldon finally released Rho’s hand. Strange. Exhaustion hit her as soon as his flesh left hers and she stifled a yawn.
    “May I offer you some coffee?” Evette smiled.
    And hell yes, she wanted some coffee. “Yes, please,” she answered as politely as she could. “That would be wonderful.” French coffee and a soft place to rest for a moment sounded like heaven, but she didn’t want to impose too much. She’d only been here a few minutes.
    Lukas reappeared, and Rho realized she hadn’t even noticed he’d stepped out. “Evette, darling, why don’t I show them to their room while

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