A Highland Heist A Contemporary Highland Romance Book Three

Free A Highland Heist A Contemporary Highland Romance Book Three by Cali MacKay

Book: A Highland Heist A Contemporary Highland Romance Book Three by Cali MacKay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cali MacKay
    “The lady’s allowed to choose the company she wants to keep.” Andrew’s smug smile had Conall moving forward to pummel the bastard, though Maggie held Conall back with a firm hand to his chest and another wrapped tightly around his arm.
    She glanced over her shoulder. “Andrew, I think it’s best ye go.”
    Conall headed down the few steps and back into the open so Andrew could pass, though Maggie kept a hold of his arm as if to keep him from lunging at Andrew.
    What the hell had he been thinking to fall for her? Because that was exactly what had happened. Like a fool, he’d let her into his life when he knew better than to let his guard down.
    “I’ll see you tomorrow, love .” The way Andrew’s gaze lingered on her had Conall’s fists clenching tight again.
    “Just go, Andrew-and it’s Maggie to you.” Maggie threw him a baleful glare, and then once it was just the two of them, she took Conall’s hand and led him back onto the bus. “Come on.”
    Although Conall was still furious, in part with himself for being stupid enough to let her into his life, he followed behind her. She put a glass of beer in the sink-probably Andrew’s-and then turned with a sigh, leaning against the counter, her arms crossed in front of her chest once more. “Ye know I can do as I please at this point in our relationship. Until we establish some sort of commitment level, I’m a free agent.”
    He wanted to groan. Of course she was right. So why was it the woman made him crazy? “I know that.”
    “That said, nothing was going on with Andrew. He showed up and sort of finagled his way in for a drink.”
    “No offense, lass, but ye don’t exactly seem the sort to let anyone finagle anything unless ye want them to.” The heat in his gut-his anger, jealousy, frustration and the pent-up passion that had him driving to her in the first place-left him wanting to take her then and there, to claim her as his own.
    “He guilted me into being hospitable-which is the same reason I haven’t tossed ye out of here on yer arse for pulling this attitude with me. I like ye, Conall. A lot. Hell…” She shook her head. “Probably more than is wise. But I’ll not suffer through your alpha male shite. I’m not yours, Conall.”
    His jaw was set tight, his body tense. “Not yet, anyway.” He all but growled at the thought of her with another.
    She started to say something, but he was having none of it. He now had one goal in mind, and one goal only. With an arm around her waist, he silenced her words with a hard kiss, his mouth bullying hers, her resistance fleeting as she now returned his passions. She was yanking off his jacket as his hands slipped onto the warm skin of her waist, pulling her shirt up and over her head, their kisses stopping no longer than necessary. A flick of the clasp and her bra soon found its way to the floor, with his shirt adding to the pile.
    By the gods, he’d never wanted anyone more and she left his head dizzy and heart yearning. All logic, all thought, all caution melted in her touch, her kiss, the feel of her body yielding to him. She was all that mattered, all he needed-and he’d be damned if he was going to share her with another.
    He spun her around to face the counter, and pressed himself against her from behind, as one hand fisted her hair and pulled her head back so he could feast on the soft curve of her neck, while his other hand cupped her perfect breast. A whimper of need escaped her lips as he toyed with her hard nipples and she ground her hips against his hard length, his heart thrashing against his ribs.
    “Bed.” It was all he could manage to get out, reduced to a monosyllabic vocabulary by his need for her. He’d take her against the counter if they waited any longer.
    She spun in his arms, their kisses deepening as she moved them towards the back of the bus and through a narrow doorway, a bed just beyond. The way she looked at him, her eyes alight as she bit her lip and the

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