Beguile her: Laws of Seduction Book 2

Free Beguile her: Laws of Seduction Book 2 by Ava Hayworth

Book: Beguile her: Laws of Seduction Book 2 by Ava Hayworth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava Hayworth
office, I have an e-mail from Andrew Mills summoning me to his office. When I arrive, he tells me he has been giving the Rothschild team some consideration and wants to go over it with me. “I want to set a lunch for later this week to introduce Rothschild to the team. I have already spoken to Duffy, and you can send those files over to her, by the way. I think McAllister would be a good fit too, but I want to talk to you about that.”
    My heart skips a beat at the mention of James’s name. Working with James on my team? I am not sure how I feel about that. Mills eyes me speculatively before continuing, “McAllister has quite a reputation with the ladies. To be quite frank, we don’t like teaming him up with the junior associates who are women. They tend to develop crushes on him. I know it sounds juvenile, but I have seen it myself.” He holds up a hand as if he expects me to interrupt. “I know you are an extremely sensible young woman with your head screwed on straight, but it has happened more than once in the past. As awkward as it is, I feel it is my responsibility to warn you.” My blood runs cold at his words, and my hands turn to ice. I must look a little pale, because Mills smiles kindly as if to reassure me. “It’s best not to get your hopes up where McAllister is concerned anyway. I have never seen him show any interest in anyone from this office.” 
    In other words, there have been plenty of beautiful women going through the doors of Houghton Mills, so why would James deign to single me out. I wonder if I am going to be sick all over Mills’s desk. Somehow I make it through the rest of the meeting, which is thankfully short. Mills throws out some more names to me, and I just nod my head in agreement. His assistant will set up a team meeting for tomorrow. At the meeting all Rothschild business will be presented and tasks delegated. It is my responsibility to present all the business, so I hurry back to my office to start preparing. I am resigned to a very long day.
    Despite the large task hanging over my head, I replay my conversation with Mills in my mind. I find myself pulling out my phone to text James… what? I detest feeling this insecure, but I long for reassurance. Resolutely, I put my phone down again and get back to the task at hand. I refuse to be that needy girl.
    Nora and Patti stop by to go to lunch. When I tell them I am swamped, they offer to bring me back something. I gratefully accept. The afternoon speeds by, and I still have not finished my presentation. I have few interruptions, for which I am thankful. At about 8 p.m., James appears in my doorway. He comes in and closes the door behind him before asking, “What are you still doing here?”
    I let out an exhausted sigh. “I am stuck here until I get the Rothschild presentation finished.” Resisting the urge to look at James, I force my gaze back to my computer screen. Out of the corner of my eye, I see James walk forward and sit down in the chair facing my desk. 
    “Are you planning on taking a break for dinner?”
    I give a little shrug.
    “Why am I getting the distinct feeling that my presence is not desired?”
    I look down at my hands, which are resting on my keyboard. “I’ve just had a shitty day.” Finally, raising my eyes to meet his, I continue, “Forget about it. I’ll get over it.” Horrified, I realize that the tight knot in my chest that has been growing there all day is getting worse. I feel like I’m about to burst into tears. I must get rid of James. “If you don’t mind, I need to get back to work.” Panic rises in me when he makes no move to stand and go. “James, I need you to leave… now.” Dammit, why did my voice have to wobble? I close my eyes in rising despair. Then I hear James shift. He’s going to leave. I squeeze my eyes shut in relief. Anticipating the moment when I will be left alone to wallow in self-pity, I listen for the sound of his retreating footsteps. My eyes pop

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