Meghan's Wish (Love and Danger)

Free Meghan's Wish (Love and Danger) by Amy Gamet

Book: Meghan's Wish (Love and Danger) by Amy Gamet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Gamet
insisted I handle it.” He sighed heavily. “I’m so sorry, Ma. I can’t get out of this one.”
    “Did you tell him you’re scheduled for vacation? That’s it’s been on the books for months?”
    “Of course I did.  I even told him about the wedding.” Hank cursed under his breath.  “He was adamant. I’m so angry I could put my fist through a wall. Any of the investigators could handle this. There’s no reason I have to do it.”
     She could hear the pain in his voice, knew it was genuine.
    “Ma, if there’s any way in hell I can make the ceremony, I will.”
    She nodded, staring at her feet. “We miss you.”
    “I miss you, too.”
    “Hank Jared is here to see you.”
    Julie didn’t recognize the name. It was probably a vendor, though it struck her as odd that a sales rep would be doing cold calls the day before a holiday weekend. “I’ll be right out.”
    As the Vice President of Technology for Systex Corporation, Julie was frequently the target of cold calls from salespeople working for computer companies.
    She rounded the corner to the reception area and got her first look him.
    Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.
    He was considerably taller than her own five foot ten, with wavy dark brown hair, wide shoulders, and a presence that was totally masculine.
    Julie felt butterflies stirring in her stomach and hoped she didn’t make a fool out of herself. She was always uncomfortable talking to men who were more beautiful than she was. This guy was so far out of her league, she might trip over her own shoes.
    “Mr. Jared. I’m Julie Trueblood. What can I do for you today?” The sweet smile on her face belied the pounding of her heart in her chest. He was even more attractive up close, with honeyed brown eyes and the lightest shadow of a beard on skin that looked tan from the sun.
    “I’d like a few words with you, Ms. Trueblood.”
    “About what, exactly?”
    Hank eyed the receptionist, who stared right back. “It’s a personal matter.”
    She was hoping to skip out a little early today and had no intention of getting stuck with a sales rep for an hour. “What company do you represent?”
    “The U.S. Navy.”
    The world around Julie froze for an instant, with the words hanging between them like the first gunshot of a battle. She remembered to breathe in, then out. She blinked her eyes.
    “Come with me, Mr. Jared.” She led the way from the lobby through a short hallway that connected to a longer corridor, feeling his presence behind her like a shadowy figure stalking her through a maze. Memories of other Navy officers assaulted her, panic rising in her chest with every step.
    Julie motioned for him to enter the room before her, then locked the door and stepped behind her desk. “What can I do for you today?” she asked, her voice flat.
     “I’m not sure.” Hank leaned back in his chair and watched her. “Someone set fire to a motel room in Jacksonville, Florida yesterday morning.”
    Her brows drew together.
    “The room was occupied at the time.”
    She flinched and looked away. “That’s horrible.”
    “I flew up here this morning because I thought you might have some information about the case.”
    “Why would you think that? I don’t even know anyone in Jacksonville.”
    “But you know someone in the Navy.”
    Her eyes slammed into his, and she knew she gave herself away. She raised an eyebrow and smiled at him without humor.  “A friend from college is a Navy pilot.”
    “Is he.”
    “Yep. And there’s always Richard Gere.”
    “Zack Mayo.”
    Julie rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”
    “The actor’s name is Richard Gere, the character he played was Zack Mayo.”
    “You know what I meant.”
    “What I know is that you’re messing with me, and I don’t appreciate it.”
    Julie leaned forward on her desk. “I’m not messing with you. I don’t know anyone in Jacksonville, and I haven’t known anyone in the Navy in almost ten years.”
    “Who did you

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