The Sexy Boss - Sedition: Book One

Free The Sexy Boss - Sedition: Book One by Z. L. Arkadie, T. R. Bertrand

Book: The Sexy Boss - Sedition: Book One by Z. L. Arkadie, T. R. Bertrand Read Free Book Online
Authors: Z. L. Arkadie, T. R. Bertrand
    “About what?” My skin is running hot.
    “You feel good in my hands.”
    “Oh.” I should kiss him. Should I kiss him?
    “I like you a lot, Abby.”
    “I like you too. You’re a good boss.”
    He sniffs a chuckle. “You’re a good employee, and I like you in that way, but I like you in another way too.”
    But what about Saturday when I saw him with his ex-wife? I didn’t observe them for long, but from the brief look I got, it appeared as if they were definitely no longer exes. “But Nolan… I didn’t know you felt that way about me.”
    “Neither did I.”
    Nolan and I whip our faces toward the person who said that. There stands his ex-wife in shiny black riding boots and an expensive Burberry trench coat.

    A bby excused herself and went upstairs. I’m alone with Kelsey, and she’s been riding my ass ever since she showed up. In room number two, I squat and touch the floor. There’s no way in hell they’ve been redone. Misty lied, and I don’t know why she would do that.
    “Yes or no?”
    I stand. “No, I haven’t fucked my assistant, Kelsey.”
    “So now you’re calling me Kelsey and not Kay?”
    I’ve already checked seven rooms. The files are missing out of three of them, but last few rooms are filled with busted office equipment, party favors, and bunch of office supplies. Now I open the final door.
    “Does it matter what I call you?” I say.
    “I guess it doesn’t when you have your tongue crammed down your assistant’s throat.”
    I sigh my frustration. This is typical Kelsey, twisting my words. “We weren’t kissing.”
    At least, we hadn’t kissed today.
    “You were damn close to it.”
    I flick on the light. “And if we had kissed, what is it to you?”
    Kelsey clenches her lips and shakes her head. I’ve got her in checkmate. She’s dating a professional athlete from one of the local sports teams.
    The final room is empty too. I’m about to close the door when I see a yellow slip of paper on the floor at the back corner of the room. I go retrieve it. “Humph…”
    “You know, Nolan, I changed my mind,” Kelsey says.
    I was so absorbed by the piece of torn paper that I momentarily forgot she was here. I stick it in my pocket. “Changed your mind about what?”
    “This.” She waves an envelope.
    “What’s that?”
    I feel my whole face collapse into a frown. I no longer have the time or patience to play Kelsey’s goddamn head games. She storms out, taking the envelope with her, and her heels beat the floor. Only a small part of me wants to run after her and get her to tell me what the hell she meant by changing.
    “To hell with it,” I mutter.
    I let her go. I hate when she shows up unannounced. Now that we’re living in the same town, I’m positive she’ll be doing it more often. I can’t wait until I buy her out of her shares. Maybe then she’ll go marry some other sucker and live in forever misery.
    My cell phone rings in my pocket.
    I take it out and glance at the screen. I sigh in relief when I see Liza’s name.
    I answer it. “Hey, Liza.”
    “Nolan, you have to go to the hospital,” she says.
    My chest tightens. “Are you okay?”
    “I’m fine. It’s Dad.”
    “What about Bill?”
    “He’s had a heart attack.” Her voice cracks.
    I can hardly believe what I’m hearing. “What do you mean, he had a heart attack? He’s as strong as an ox.”
    “Just get to the hospital. Dad needs you.”
    “Where are you?”
    “I’m at home with the baby. John is already there.”
    I grab my balled fist to keep from punching the wall. “John?”
    “John’s the one who found him.”
    “Found him where?”
    “At the house.”
    “What was John doing there?”
    Liza sighs as though she’s already weary of our conversation. “Just go, Nolan.”
    “All right.” I end the call.

    “ W hat is she doing here ?” Kelsey, Nolan’s ex-wife, asks.
    At the office, Nolan asked if I would accompany him to the

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