Torn: Part Three (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) (The Torn Series Book 3)

Free Torn: Part Three (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) (The Torn Series Book 3) by Sky Corgan

Book: Torn: Part Three (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) (The Torn Series Book 3) by Sky Corgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sky Corgan
    “Who's Piper?” I reach across and lazily tug on one of the metal balls of the Newton's cradle sitting on my desk. It clacks against the middle balls and sends the ball on the end sailing into its rhythmic pattern. My secretary gave it to me as a Christmas present a few years ago, and I never thought I'd so much as glance at it once she placed it on my desk. It's proven to be a good way to stave off boredom during pointless phone calls, though.
    Click. Clack. Click.
    I typically stare at it and think about random things while the person on the other end of the line prattles on about stuff I don't give a shit about. This time, that person is my mother.
    It feels like my duty as her son to call her daily, not that either of us ever has anything interesting to say. This is more for her comfort, so she doesn't get so lonely. I know that things have been hard on her since my father passed away.
    As I stare at the Newton's cradle, I think about how boring Club Fet was last night. I had gone in hoping that I'd see the raven-haired beauty. It was a stupid thing to hope for. Most people stay home on Sunday night. Normally, I would have stayed home too. I was searching though. Searching for something new.
    Of course, there were new faces there. There always are. But no one who really caught my attention. Perhaps because I'm picky. One of my greatest flaws. When I see something that I want, I'm usually discontent until I get it. That makes me think I should have tried harder to break Raven away from Sir Jeremy on Saturday night. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he wasn't going to allow that to happen though. Prick.
    There's a long pause on the other end of the line.
    She lets out a sigh. “Piper is my new housekeeper.”
    “What?” My hand balls into a fist.
    “I needed help around the house, so I hired a housekeeper,” she replies matter of factly. “The place seems a lot bigger without your father here.”
    I roll my eyes, knowing that's just an excuse. What she really wants is company. “That's bullshit. The old man never lifted a finger to help you around there. You're just lonely. Hasn't going to church been enough for you?”
    “It's not bullshit,” anger surges forth in her voice. “I'm getting old, Holden. I need someone around to help me out.”
    “Then why didn't you talk to me?” I reach out to still the balls from clacking. Now that I'm actually paying attention to the conversation, they're starting to annoy me.
    “Why should I have told you? It's none of your business.”
    “Except it is my business.” My jaw clenches and I force a sarcastic smile that I know she can't see. “You're not known for being the best judge of character. And most housekeepers aren't worth the ink on their resumes. Please tell me you, at least, went through a reputable company.”
    “I don't need you to tell me how to hire people.” She huffs.
    “Where did you find her then?” I gesture into the air, knowing I'm not going to like the answer.
    “She's the niece of one of my church friends.”
    “So she's underage?”
    “No. She's old enough.”
    “Old enough,” I parrot back, shaking my head. “So let me guess, she has no credentials.”
    “Well,” she hesitates, “No, but she's a sweet girl, and I think she'll be well suited for what I need.”
    “Fire her.” I pull the Newton's cradle closer to me and start two balls going at once. This will be resolved soon enough and we can go back to more pleasant conversation.
    “No?” I grab the balls, squeezing them so hard that I feel the strings straining to keep them attached to the device. “I'll hire someone else for you. Someone qualified.”
    “You most certainly will not.”
    “Mom. Please.” I draw my hand up to my brow, trying to massage the stress out. “If you don't know this girl then you don't know what she might do. Housekeepers steal from their employees all the time.

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