Burning up the Rain (Hawaiian Heroes)

Free Burning up the Rain (Hawaiian Heroes) by Cathryn Cade

Book: Burning up the Rain (Hawaiian Heroes) by Cathryn Cade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathryn Cade
before the door shut behind her.
    It had gone like a charm, Lalei assured herself as she sauntered along the broad, quiet hallway toward her own room. So what if she was cringing inside at the realization that she could never go back now. So what if her pussy was empty, pulsing, still aching for fulfillment? Neither fact was important.
    Keep your eyes on the prize, wahine.

Chapter Five
    As the door of his room closed, Jack flopped onto his back. He let his arms fall back onto the bed, on either side of his head, staring in pleased bafflement at the ceiling fan moving slowly overhead, enjoying the air puffing softly on his damp, relaxed body.
    What the hell had just happened?
    He gave a huff of laughter. Well, one thing was for sure, he’d gotten laid, and it had been amazing. His body was lax with pleasure.
    But with Lalei Kai-Ho’omalu? He shook his head. Wasn’t like he hadn’t wanted her from the first moment he saw her. Hell, she was even prettier than he’d remembered from David’s wedding. Whether in those little white shorts, a swimsuit, or the little strapless number she worn tonight, she’d sauntered like a Hawaiian princess through the gathering of family and friends on the beach lanai. Tonight, in a dress and sandals that he was pretty sure had cost a bundle, her dark hair a satiny swath down her back, big brown pearls in her ears and around her throat, she’d worn a snooty little smirk on her perfect face.
    And even though he knew she was trouble, he hadn’t been able to take his eyes off her.
    So what had he done? With a silent groan, Jack lifted his hands and scrubbed them down his face. He’d fucked her practically in public, if the sudden cessation of voices outside the window had been any indication. Hell. He wondered who that had been out on the lanai. He guessed he’d know by who was giving him and Lalei odd looks tomorrow. He hoped he hadn’t offended the Ho’omalus senior. Not like David or Daniel would care—they were too busy carrying on with their own wahines.
    Well, she was just as hot as he’d imagined. But what the hell had that been there at the end? She’d been carrying on like she was having the best orgasm of her life, but he sure hadn’t felt her tight little pussy grabbing at his cock. He knew damn well what a woman’s orgasm felt like—he’d given enough of them. Was she one of those women who didn’t really like fucking, just wanted to know she could get any man she wanted?
    He scowled at the ceiling. No, that wasn’t it, because she’d gone crazy when he got her off with his hand. Remembering the rapt pleasure on her face as she’d sucked on his fingers with that warm, wet mouth and the rhythmic squeezing of her hot little pussy around the fingers he’d had inside her, he felt a twitch of renewed desire. He sat up, shaking his head at his cock.
    “Down, boy. You had your fun.”
    Hell, he needed another drink. He peered at the clock on the bedside table. Past midnight, and outside, all was quiet. No, he needed to stay the hell in his room and get some sleep.
    He got up and sauntered into the bathroom. He ran his fingers through his hair and then grinned wryly at his reflection in the mirror, at the relaxed, sleepy droop to his eyes and the flush on his cheeks.
    “Damn,” he muttered. “You are one lucky dog.”
    He patted his flat belly absently as he turned away. Worth all those crunches and pushups, if a woman liked what she saw.
    Jack slept like a log, waking only when his room heated up with the midday sun pouring through his open window. He stumbled out of bed, groggy and thirsty, glugged a glass of cool water and ducked into the shower. Memory came back to him while he was there. He groaned and then chuckled to himself as he stood under the warm spray of water. This could be one of his most memorable Hawaiian visits ever.
    But what was Lalei’s reaction going to be when they met today? He knew he’d had a lot to drink at the wedding, but what

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