Stacy Matthews - Dear Mary 01 - Think Twice Before You Order

Free Stacy Matthews - Dear Mary 01 - Think Twice Before You Order by Stacy Matthews

Book: Stacy Matthews - Dear Mary 01 - Think Twice Before You Order by Stacy Matthews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacy Matthews
Tags: Mystery: Cozy - New York
probably too much.
    How could telling us if the knew
where Grandpa and Tatiana were violate patient confidentiality? Grandpa and
Tatiana had supposedly been spending so much time with the doctor I found it
hard to believe they had no idea where they might be. Charlie assumed Grandpa
had told Tatiana about me, but now he wasn’t sure. It ran across my mind that I
should tell this Natasha knock-off how rude she was, and if she hadn’t been so
scary looking, I would have. Charlie grabbed my arm and headed towards the door.
I couldn’t tell what Charlie was cooking up, but I thought for sure it was
going to involve going back into that office. I brought to his attention that I
thought Natasha could beat the crap out of me. He assured me that we weren’t
going back in there, at least not while anyone was there.
    Was he suggesting a break-in? Break-in sounds so against the
law. I don’t have a problem doing it, I would prefer we call it something more
intriguing like “Operation Moose and Squirrel.” I asked Charlie if he had been
on a lot of operations. He said he had been on his share but my security
clearance wasn’t high enough for any more information than that. What a funny
    We went back to the car and headed towards home. He said he
would get everything we needed for tonight, and he would pick me up around one
o’clock. That’s in the a.m.! He told me to be dressed in black. I had to go
shopping; I didn’t bring anything black. I jumped into Grandpa’s car and headed
out. It was kind of nice driving around town listening to the radio. It was as
if I had never left. Isn’t it funny how certain things trigger memories?
Something as simple as driving around listening to your favorite station makes
you feel like you’re a teenager again. The only things missing were Valerie and
Stephen. I got to the store and bought everything I needed. Shirt, shoes,
pants. If it was black and fit I bought it.
    I have to tell you Mary I’m very excited. I’ve never gone on
an operation. I’m just praying Charlie remembers how to do this. I know it’s
been a while since he’s been on one of these; I’m hoping he remembers
everything that needs to be done. I wonder if he’s ever been caught before, or
if he has a back-up plan in case we do get caught? I need to ask him about a
backup plan. I’ll let you know how everything goes tomorrow.
to you later

11 th
    Dear Mary,
    Well I have to say I really thought Operation Moose and
Squirrel would be a lot more exciting. I thought there would be more cloak and
dagger, at the very least some sneaking around. It didn’t start off well to
begin with. I decided to make some snacks and drinks to take with us. I had no
idea what an “operation” consisted of but I didn’t want us to get hungry or
thirsty while we were doing it.
    I heard Charlie pull into the driveway so I went to the
kitchen and got the sack of snacks and drinks, and then locked up the house.
You should have seen the color drain from Charlie’s face when he saw me with
that sack. He did tell me he liked my outfit before he asked what was in the
sack. He then explained to me the difference between an operation and a
stakeout.  Now I would rather do stakeouts, you get to take food with you
on those. I put the food back in the house, and we made our way to the office.
    Even though it was late there were some people walking around
and sitting out on the patios of the restaurants that were still open. Charlie
parked by all of the other cars; I couldn’t believe it. We casually strolled
down the sidewalk to the building. The front doors were locked but Charlie got
us in with no problem. We took the stairs, it was only four flights and good
exercise, and then into the office. We went into the back to find the files;
with Charlie’s unlocking skills he was able to unlock the file cabinets in no
time. I asked him why we had to dress in all black if we weren’t even going to

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