Sacred Circle

Free Sacred Circle by Rachel James

Book: Sacred Circle by Rachel James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel James
asked breaking off.
    “I just spent the last week with a horrendous cold and a hacking cough.” His features became alarmed, and Brianna held up her hand. “No, I’m not contagious. I got sick prior to Mother’s collapse and was well on the way to recovery when you called.”
    “An omen of things to come, do you think?”
    “It’s hard not to see the correlation at the moment,” Devlin said. “However, I don’t put much stock in coincidences. I’m mentioning it because Brianna believes in the concept of ‘what goes ’round, comes ’round.’”
    “You’re talking about the power of three now.”
    Brianna didn’t confirm or deny his statement; instead, she turned her attention back to the boy in the bed. She lifted the covers atop his body and scanned his arms and legs. No bruises or welts, and his aura was a pale lavender hue at the moment.
    She dropped the covers. It was a safe bet that Danny took one look at her mother, panicked, and then fled the clearing.
    “Anything jumping out at you now?” Devlin asked.
    “Nothing. Perhaps, that’s why I’m so scared,” she replied. “Energy sickness usually comes with a definite pattern. Welts or bruises on the body, a high fever, alternating hot flashes, and cold sweats.” Brianna nodded at the bed. “Danny’s skin is warm to the touch, but not hot. And I don’t see any signs of a rash or bruising. If he’s the worst of the doctor’s patients, then we should feel encouraged.”
    “But you’re not,” Brad stated.
    “No, and I won’t be until I learn what occurred prior to Mother’s casting of the circle.”
    “And if you learn she had help in going down in the circle?”
    “I’ll make the bastard pay.”
    “I don’t like the sound of that.” Brad shook his head. “It’s not at all Wiccan.”
    “Or Christian.” Devlin replied, stepping from the bed and heading for the door.
    Brianna followed more slowly, catching sight of Brad’s grin at her.
    “I’m glad you’re both here,” he said. “It’s good to have logical, no-nonsense individuals making hard decisions for us.”
    Brianna’s hand flew out as she took a half-turn back.
    “I’ll remind you you said that when the going gets tough, and you’re damning us to hell.”
    He laughed and Brianna re-whirled, slamming into Devlin’s chest. He grasped her shoulders at the same time she clutched his chest. The very air around her suddenly turned electric, and her pulse began dancing with excitement. For a brief moment, she thought Devlin was going to lower his head and kiss her. But when she looked up, she found him grinning boyishly at her. His hands moved slowly; too slowly, skimming her torso lightly and traveling to her waist. Once there, her heart lurched as he balanced her weight and kept her steady. To her horror, she blushed like a giddy girl of seventeen and pulled out of his arms. She emitted a choking laugh.
    “Next time, give a girl a warning you’re going to crush her toes.”
    “If there’s a next time, I’ll crush more than your toes.”
    Brianna turned a vivid scarlet at his insinuation. Thankfully, he turned on his heel before he could see her reddened cheeks. A moment later, his fingers beckoned her from the hallway. Taking a deep, unsteady breath, Brianna squared her shoulders. Next stop, a surprise reunion with her father.

    Brianna stopped just short of the open doorway, taking another deep breath. Was she ready to face her father again after all these years? Ready to mend fences with the Elders? She didn’t know, and the curling in the pit of her stomach was proof that she might not be ready. Her dry mouth said it, too.
    “No pain, no gain.” Devlin quoted, giving her back a forceful shove. She stumbled into the room, giving Devlin a damning look over her shoulder. He ignored the look, content to lounge against the door frame and study the room before them.
    Catching her balance, Brianna spotted her father propped up on two

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