Whispers of Danger and Love

Free Whispers of Danger and Love by Janis Lane

Book: Whispers of Danger and Love by Janis Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janis Lane
exactly what happened when secrets were kept. Why didn’t they trust her to understand?
    Kevin Fowler reached down and shuffled a folder to the top of a pile of paperwork.
    “Does Toledo own . . . has he bought that old place?” she asked.
    The chief didn’t answer her right away and gazed out the window. After a few minutes, he turned his head and spoke with a nostalgic tone to his voice.
    “Our town has been expanding with rapid growth in the last couple of years. Time was when I was mostly acquainted with every citizen. Lately we have been forced to hire new personnel just to keep up with the expansions out on the highway. Sad but true. Small towns do grow, but not always happily.” He sighed, then sat up and put his elbows folded on his desk and assumed a very serious expression.
    She thought she understood why her friend was attracted to Detective Fowler. He projected the personality of a take-charge kind of person, but with a calmness that inspired trust.
    Detective Fowler leaned forward. “Let’s talk about your contract with Sam Toledo, shall we? You start work for him again this morning, right?”
    “Yes, I’ve already started the job. I use subcontractors and they’ve been roughing in some of the designs I’ve had approved by the clients. I have a landscaper lined up for the larger shrubs and hardscapes. What was it you wanted me to do?” She felt strange and dubious about all these secret doings. Why did they insist on keeping her in the dark? She wasn’t the criminal.
    “By the way, where is Detective Larkin this morning? I thought he was to meet me at my shop.” She sipped her coffee, wondering how soon she could escape. If she was to continue work at the Toledo property, she needed to hurry. Those contractors would charge whether they were actively working or not. Her thoughts drifted to the placements of decorative stones and hidden gardens.
    “I’m sure he’ll be able to meet with you later today.” The chief pushed a button on his phone again and spoke into an intercom. “Anne, will you bring me that Toledo folder?”
    Cheryl glanced at Detective Fowler who smiled at her reassuringly once more, while the chief continued to direct.
    “We’d like you to be a sort of watch dog for us, if you don’t mind. It would really be helpful if you could identify two men for us. Thank you, Anne.” He accepted the folder then opened it on his desk. The attractive uniformed woman winked at Cheryl and left the room.
    Was she a friend of David’s? Probably lover, if she knew David. She deliberately suppressed thoughts along that line. What good did it do anyway?
    “Here is person number one. He has several aliases but presently goes by the name of Geer Monger. If he shows up at the Toledo residence, we need to know immediately. We’ll give you a cell phone. You don’t engage this man in any way. Just identify him and call us. Okay?” He handed Cheryl a photo of a swarthy man with a moustache and a big hooked nose. One ear was pierced by a tiny hoop through the lobe.
    Cheryl studied the photo for a minute. “May I have a copy of this?”
    “Certainly. This folder is for you. Spend some time studying it until you feel confident you’ll recognize this man if you see him. Here is the second person we would like for you to look out for.” He passed her a second photo of a gray-haired man whose face seemed younger than his hair. He had a snub nose and thin lips.
    “This man also has been known by several different names but at present goes by Tim Griever. He might speak with a slight accent. Again, please do not engage either of these men in conversation. Just notify us they have been spotted . . . discretely if you can.” The chief leaned back and nodded to Detective Fowler.
    Cheryl wondered what that signal meant but soon figured it out.
    Fowler leaned almost imperceptibly forward and spoke slowly but emphatically. “This is important. We do not want you to attract the attention of either Sam

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