The Lie

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Book: The Lie by Chad Kultgen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chad Kultgen
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    Kyle was like, “Are you okay?”
    I guess he could tell I was drunk but I didn’t want him to know that I felt like I had to puke, because he might tell Brett and that would be fucking horrible. So I was just like, “Yeah, I just wanted to spend a little alone time with you.”
    I figured I could give him a quick blowjob or something and maybe he would pass out and I could pass out with him and hopefully not puke in my sleep.
    So we started kissing and everything, and I don’t know if it was because I was drunk or because I was in Brett Keller’s house or what the deal was but all of a sudden I was seriously horny for Kyle. Maybe it had something to do with him getting me into the party or something. I don’t know, but in that moment I think I really did love him.
    So I was like, “Kyle, I love you.”
    And he was like, “I love you, too.”
    And again, I could tell he really meant it, like in a way that was like he would do anything for me. So instead of giving him a blowjob I took off my clothes and I took off his clothes and we had sex in Brett Keller’s guest room bed.
    And I guess he was kind of drunk, too, because he never even paused for a second to ask if we should be using a condom, which he usually does. I was seriously too drunk to even think about it, and in the moment I really was only thinking about how much I thought I loved him. And I also remember thinking that I was surprised at how good he was at sex. I know by that point we had had sex like a lot, and pretty much in every position you could think of, but I was seriously drunk. And usually when I’m that drunk I can’t even make myself cum with a vibrator or anything. But he still could.
    Then after he finished we just lay there and I didn’t feel as drunk. I mean, I was drunk, but I didn’t feel like I was going to puke anymore. I just kind of felt good all over. Then Kyle was like, “We didn’t use anything.”
    And that was the first time I really thought about it. I was like, “It’s fine. I’ll go to the health center tomorrow morning and get the morning-after pill.”
    He was like, “That’s all you need to do?”
    I was like, “Uh, yeah.” I’ve done it like a million times, but I didn’t want to tell him that, so I didn’t.
    Then we just kind of fell asleep. It was really nice. We woke up maybe like an hour later, put our clothes back on, and went back down to the party. I saw Annie for the first time that night. She was being cornered by that guy Collin Davis. I don’t know what I was thinking, but I went over to her to try and rescue her from the conversation.
    Collin was like, “Hey, the other half of the dynamic duo.”
    And I was positive that he was going to say something about the double blowjob right in front of Kyle, whose hand I was still holding and who I just kind of realized I actually loved.
    Then Collin noticed that I was holding his hand and he was like, “Now how in the hell did a chump like you land a dick-sucking machine like this?”
    Kyle was like, “Excuse me?”
    Collin was a total dick. He was like, “What’s your name?”
    Kyle was like, “Kyle.”
    Collin was like, “What are you doing at this party, Kyle?”
    Kyle was like, “A friend of mine’s throwing it.”
    Collin was like, “Oh really. You’re friends with Brett Keller?”
    And then, before Kyle could say anything, Brett came up behind him and put his arm around him and was like, “I’d say he’s more like my best friend, douchebag. Now who in the fuck are you?”
    Collin looked like a deer in headlights. It was seriously hilarious. He was like, “Oh hey, Brett, my name’s Collin Davis.”
    And Brett was like, “I know your fucking name, asshole. The question was meant to be deeper. Who in the fuck are you, metaphorically speaking? Are you the asshole who sucks up to my father because he wants a job at his company after graduation? Are you the asshole who sucks up to me because he wants to keep getting invited to

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