Blood Lily (Lilith Adams Vampire Series Book 1)

Free Blood Lily (Lilith Adams Vampire Series Book 1) by Jenny Allen

Book: Blood Lily (Lilith Adams Vampire Series Book 1) by Jenny Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenny Allen
the slightest nod to her as he passed. Lilith visibly put her phone in her pocket, opened up the door and stepped out of the car. She looked down at her rumpled dress pants, wrinkled blouse and high heels and suddenly couldn’t wait to change. She’d need something more… casual for tonight anyway.
    She grabbed her aluminum kit and the biohazard cooler while Chance started hauling the luggage and the last bag of equipment. A few minutes later the car was completely unloaded and Lilith was staring at the queen size bed. “I thought you were getting two twins?”
    Chance stepped out of the bathroom. “I tried, all the rooms are single queens.” He shrugged and stepped back out of sight.
    Lilith let out a frustrated sigh and suddenly felt exhausted. She looked around the tiny room with increasing despair. The yellowing wall paper was mostly still intact. A sixties style dresser with plastic “wood” molding took up the entire wall on the right. There was a tiny round table stuffed into the corner by the window, sadly not leaving enough room for any chairs. An ancient TV with actual push buttons on the front stood on the far edge of the dresser. If nothing else it’d make a hefty self-defense weapon.
    The Queen- size bed was covered in a horrendous comforter with swirl designs in salmon pink and melon green. Her skin itched just looking at it. Right above the bed was a painting of a beach scene with the same colors as the bed. Yay for color co-ordination.
    Lilith dropped her aluminum case on the dresser and cracked it open. In the bottom of her case, she found what she was looking for. When Chance walked out of the bathroom, all the lights were off and Lilith was leaning over the bed with a purple light, meticulously running it over the pulled back sheets, while sporting some stylish orange glasses.
    “What the hell are you doing?”
    Lilith glanced over the rim of the glasses with a frown. “It’s a UV light. I’m just checking the bed.”
    Chance strolled up to her with a curious look. “Checking it for what?”
    “You can see all kinds of stains that you wouldn’t see with the naked eye, Blood, Urine, all kinds of body fluids.” She continued to move the light over the sheets.
    “Why would you even check for that?” He sounded disgusted almost to the point of being offended.
    Lilith huffed and looked up at him. “Maybe you don’t care, but I don’t want to sleep in a redneck sperm bank , okay?”
    Chance leaned back against the wall laughing. “Holy hell, Lily. You sure do have a way with words.” He was grinning at her, watching her every move. “So what’s the verdict? We cuddling in the tub?” Lilith glanced up just in time to catch him wink.
    “You wish.” She flicked off the UV light and turned on the overhead light. “Surprisingly clean. Either no one ever stays here or these sheets are new.”
    “I’m voting option one. You definitely aren’t the ‘ignorance is bliss’ sort are ya?” Chance flopped down on the bed, stretching out and folding his arms behind his head. Her eyes drifted to the bare bit of skin between his shirt and his jeans and she caught the very edge of the tattoo again. She sat cross legged on the edge of the bed and leaned forward a tiny bit to keep from falling off it.
    “Seriously, Chance. What’s the tattoo? I’m curious.”
    She didn’t miss the slight frown on his face. “I told you it’s nothing. Just let it go , Lily.” Lilith just looked at him expectantly. He released a frustrated sigh and stared at her. “I’m serious. Just let it go. Damn, I don’t remember you ever being this stubborn with Gregor.”
    “Fine, be defensive, and I’ve always been this stubborn. You’ve just never noticed.”
    Chance lifted an eyebrow and let out a soft snort of disbelief. “Not like we normally have group therapy sessions where we share our feelings. I think the car today was the first time we’ve actually had a conversation that wasn’t just banter or

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