Blood Lily (Lilith Adams Vampire Series Book 1)

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Book: Blood Lily (Lilith Adams Vampire Series Book 1) by Jenny Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenny Allen
discussions about Gregor.”
    It was L ilith’s turn to look surprised, not because he was right, but because he’d noticed. “I suppose it was.” She was trying for a nonchalant tone and was pretty sure she’d failed. In a quick recovery, she grabbed her suitcase, fished out some clothes and sauntered off to the bathroom without another word. Chance suddenly had a way of making her feel off balance and prickly since they left the safe familiarity of New York. She wasn’t really sure why, he was just getting under her skin. Maybe it was just the processes of getting to know someone that you’ve “known” for 13 years or maybe it was because he was the only thing familiar, the only tie to her life back at home. Sure she’d traveled for work before, but somehow this time was different.
    The shower, which was cramped but surprisingly clean, melted away the stress and raw ends of the day. The hot water rained against her face and seemed to wash away the thousands of thoughts milling around in her mind. For a moment it just felt like peace. Water always had a calming effect on her. If she actually believed in astrology, she’d chalk it up to being a water sign. Too bad she’d met plenty of people that didn’t fit the star charts. There is no astrological sign that says, “One day you’ll be a serial rapist that enjoys seeing the light die in people’s eyes. Success will find you today.”
    After throwing on a comfy pair of jeans and tugging on a navy blue tank top, Lilith stepped out of the steam filled bathroom into the comfortably cool room.  She peeked around the corner to see Chance passed out and twisted up in the sheets. The smooth lines of his face looked peaceful and instantly younger. She smiled secretly, pulled her hair into a loose bun and tip toed to her side of the bed.
    Lilith curled around a pillow and let the magic of the shower lull her to an instant sleep. For once there were no dreams, no nightmares, just blissful, mind-numbing sleep.
    She woke to the sound of her phone ringing. Lilith blindly grabbed for her phone and reached for a lamp that wasn’t there. Suddenly she realized she wasn’t in her room and there was a drowsy moment of disorientation before she remembered where she was. The room was completely dark so she fumbled her hand along the wall to find a light switch while she answered the phone.
    “Hello?” She was still trying to shake the drowsiness from her voice.
    “ Philippe. Is something wrong? Gloria and the kids okay?”
    “ They are fine, nothing’s wrong. Gloria insisted I call and make sure you’re still surviving the south. She would have called herself but she’s forcing Erica to bake cookies for the cheerleader’s fundraiser. Guess it’s better than handcuffing her at this point. How’s the conference going?” Her cover story, a conference on reading people’s micro-expressions and recertifying herself on Facial Feedback Analysis. She’d actually been to a conference on the subject a couple years back. It was a fascinating field of research. College had only brushed on the ways to read faces and body language. The research of micro-expressions was becoming increasingly popular, even making its way to TV. It was truly amazing how certain expressions were used all over the world, displaying identical emotions. She suddenly remembered she was on the phone with Alvarez and shook herself from the inner monologue.
    “It doesn’t start till Friday.” Lilith rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and heard a groan next to her as Chance rolled over. “How’s the case load. Anything interesting?”
    Beside her, Chance blinked at the bright light of the lamp, groaned again and hesitantly rolled off the bed to stumble into the bathroom.
    “More of the same for the most part. There is one case of interest that popped up early this morning.” Lilith listened passively while she grabbed for the biohazard cooler. Of course the room didn’t come with a

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