Book: PUCK (A BAD BOY HOCKEY ROMANCE) by Jessica Marx Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Marx
kitchen for the event. I start walking that way and as I get closer, I see Steven talking to someone inside the kitchen area.
    “Looks like I got here just in time,” I comment as I look around.
    The tent is erected and it appears everything we need is inside, but it’s in total disarray.
    “You sure did, Dani,” Steven answers turning to face me, “looks like it’s going to be a long day.”
    “It doesn’t look too bad,” I reply, not fully convinced myself.
    “I’m glad you think so,” he says with wide eyes, “we have a few guys that can move everything. You just need to give them direction.”
    “No problem,” I say more confidently, “I have a layout of the equipment drawn in my notes. As long as everything is here, it should be pretty simple.”
    “That’s good to hear. I have other issues I need to take care of so I’m glad you have this under control.”
    “Of course. I’m a professional,” I answer with a wink.
    I see that Steven just drained the last of his coffee while we were talking.
    “I have to go get my plans in the kitchen. Can I interest you in a fresh cup of coffee? I have to make some anyway.” I offer.
    “Definitely,” Steven agrees, “I’ll come and get it in a few. Just want to check on a couple of things.”
    I walk back up towards the house. I keep looking around trying to take it all in. It’s going to be quite a sight when everything is complete. It’s hard to believe that all of this belongs to Puck. He has truly come so far since I first met him. He did always strive to be the best and I guess that tenacity really paid off. Even more admirable is that he is doing so much to give back to the community.
    I smile as I look around one more time before walking in the back door. When I make my way through to the kitchen, I feel at ease momentarily. I’ve quickly come to think of this part of the house as my own. I set the coffee maker and hear my phone notify me that I have a text. I usually keep it off while I’m at work, but I must have forgotten today.
    I pick it up and see a message from Puck ‘Busy day. Just want you to know I’m thinking about you.’
    A warm feeling comes over me. I’m flattered that he’s thinking about me. I grin to myself and read the message again. I decide to wait until later to answer. I don’t want him to think I was waiting for him to reach out. I’m also supposed to be working and technically, he’s still my boss.
    I prepare a quick breakfast and let the staff know all meals for the next couple of days will be simple. I have a ton of things to do and food to prep before the big event. The staff filter in and out, grabbing something to eat. I pour a cup of coffee and get my binder out. It’s now filled with menus and recipes and plans for the outdoor kitchen - which I need right now. I stand near my desk area so I can take out the folder I need to bring outside and hear Steven talking on his phone as he comes in.
    “yes. Yes. Everything will be as discussed,” he answers whoever is on the other line.
    He rinses his coffee cup and begins to refill it while he continues his conversation.
    I’m not really listening to what he’s saying at all until I hear ‘No. I’m sorry, he can’t tonight. He has a meeting with Amanda after.’
    I immediately wonder if it’s ‘the’ Amanda. I want to ask Steven, but I don't know how to ask him casually - especially since it will sound like I was listening to his conversation. I also don’t want to sound jealous, although apparently I am.
    Steven ends his conversation and says out loud, “I can’t wait for this fundraiser to be over.”
    Even though he’s not really addressing me, I reply, “It’s a lot of work. I’m sure you will be happy when you see the final outcome.”
    “I know. It’s always turned out to be a fabulous night. It’s just such a big deal,” he sighs, “and I’m such a perfectionist. Everyone who’s anyone is going to be there and those who aren’t, will

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