C791 (Cyborgs: More Than Machines)

Free C791 (Cyborgs: More Than Machines) by Eve Langlais

Book: C791 (Cyborgs: More Than Machines) by Eve Langlais Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Langlais
mouth against hers. Her breath caught. He did it again, letting his lips linger on hers.
    Earlier, with the adrenaline rushing through her body, she tried to rationalize the electric reaction when they touched as part of the rush from the escape. As for the kiss while he was prisoner, she’d blamed her enjoyment of that on the taboo nature of it. Now, naked, skin-to-skin, and hornier than she ever recalled, she had to admit, her reaction owed nothing to the situation, but had everything to do with him. He made her feel alive. Sexy. In his presence, a sense of safety imbued her, and yet at the same time, it was like she walked on the edge of a cliff. It excited her and she craved more.
    Instead of pushing him away like a proper captive would, Chloe closed her eyes and gave in to what he offered. She let him kiss her.
    And kiss her he did.
    He caressed every inch of her mouth, nibbling, sucking and teasing flesh she never imagined could feel so much. When he inserted his tongue between her lips, letting it slide along her own, she moaned, lost in a wave of sensation — and heat. Lots of heat, mostly centered in her pussy.
    During their kiss, her hands crept up around his neck. She clung to him, craning on tiptoe, the hot spray of the shower making the air in the cubicle moist. Not as moist as her of course. Her sex ached for his touch. Make that hungered. Needed…
    Wanting even more contact, more of everything he offered, she ground her hips against him, and he answered her unspoken plea. The hands on her buttocks slid up to her waist, the roughness of his fingers on her skin an erotic sensation. He turned her, wrenching her mouth free from his and drawing a protest from her. He spun her until her back pressed against his chest while his hands came to rest over her stomach and his cock throbbed against her lower back. Her head fell back as his lips sought the lobe of her ear, nipping the tender flesh as his hands roamed her rounded tummy, slowly working their way down to her mound. He dragged his fingers through her trimmed curls, but instead of sliding between her thighs, his hands split up. They tickled down her thighs, his gentle urging parting them. She panted as he toyed with her, his calloused fingers a teasing friction against her skin that made her whimper as he kept stroking closer and closer to her pussy, stopping just short, driving her insane with need.
    “Please,” she gasped.
    “What do you want, little one?” he murmured in her ear, his warm breath sending shivers down her spine.
    Forget shame. Desire controlled her. “Touch me.”
    “Like this?” He dragged a digit through her moist slit, wetting the tip of his finger in her honey before lightly brushing her clit. She cried out as her body arched involuntarily.
    “Yes!” she hissed, willing to beg when he pulled his hand away after that one electrifying touch.
    The finger returned, slipping between her nether lips, circling the entrance to her sex, before dipping into her channel. In and out, he seesawed his finger while she could only tremble, her breath coming in harsh pants, her body taut with mounting pleasure.
    He slid a second finger in, continuing his in and out motion. She whimpered. His reply was to bring his other hand into play, a digit wetting itself in her juices before touching her sensitive nub. And that easily and quickly, he sent her over the edge.
    One stroke across her clit, two, three. A scream left her lips as her climax hit, hard and fast. Joe groaned himself as her channel clamped tight around his still penetrating fingers. Even though his cock throbbed, his erection almost painful, he’d never experienced anything as intense as Chloe’s orgasm. Or as sweet as her kiss.
    He needed more. Needed her. Maneuvering them out of the shower, he didn’t bother grabbing a towel, just swept her into his arms. To his delight, she clung to him and lifted her lips for a kiss. He took her mouth with a bit more force than planned,

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