Cathexis: Necromancer's Dagger
from a noble house with all the birthright of the firstborn . Why do you wish to give
it up and become the Knight Protector?”
    “I am Michael's man; I’ve known that since
your son was born. With honor, duty and life, I know I must protect
the heir to the throne. I don't know what it is, but I have
something important to accomplish in the service of your son. My
father and I have spoken, so when I expressed my true feeling he
agreed that this was the best course for my life to take. I have relinquished claim to my
family title, passing the honor of first born to my younger
    “And what if you are not chosen?” asked
    “Then I will find another way to serve
Michael. In any event, I will not take back what I have given to my
brother.” the young man proclaimed proudly.
    Jatar stepped to the next candidate and
found the opposite of the huge Gustin. The young man before him was
small; the word 'compact' came to Jatar’s mind. He was finely
muscled to the point where each cord was clearly defined beneath
the skin. Jatar had the impression that the young man achieved
maximum use from every attribute that he had been blessed with from
birth. The oval face was framed by light brown hair and he sported a drooping mustache that
added to the slightly mischievous look on his young calculating
face. He looked Jatar in the eye as if to say, `ask me your worst;
I’m ready for anything,’ so Jatar decided to oblige the small
    “Drake, if Michael was in danger and ordered
you to go somewhere, therefore putting him in greater danger, what
would you do?”
    “I would try and reason with him milord, and
failing that, I would remain to protect him anyway,” he
    “So you would disobey his direct order even
though you could be found guilty of treason later and put to
    The young man answered without hesitation,
“If the amount of danger warranted the action, yes, milord.”
    Jatar nodded, liking the answer, then
continued down the line to the final two men. Looking at them was
like looking at a double image, they were identical twins, both
with long black hair that served to frame striking steel gray eyes.
They were of average height, though their arms showed the heavy
musculature of extraordinary upper body strength.
    “Rasal,” Jatar said, speaking to the first
twin, “if your brother Lasar was wounded in battle, dying, and you
might save him by leaving Michael’s side, thereby only slightly
increasing his danger, what would you do?”
    “I would swear to avenge my brother’s death
when it did not conflict with the care of my charge,” answered
Rasal with a grim look on his face.
    Jatar stepped before the other twin and
asked, “Lasar, if you were dying of a wound as in the situation I
described to your brother, what would you do?”
    “I would tell him to leave me, and I would
die happy knowing I had passed on in the service of my charge,
Michael Ardellen, long may he live!”
    Jatar looked to Elizabeth who gave him a nod
signifying that all six of the men had answered honestly.
    Elizabeth asked them all a final question.
“Would you swear on your eternal souls that you are true to the
Ardellen’s and to Michael with no other allegiance?”
    All six of the young men responded ‘yes’,
and Elizabeth confirmed their answers by watching their auras and
verifying that they remained constant. She again nodded to Jatar
telling him of their true commitment.
    Jatar then turned to Captain Fintok. “I find
these men exceptionally suited to their task, I thank you, captain, as always, my friend, you have
done an impeccable job.”
    Lord Jatar faced the watching assembly and
raised his voice so all could hear. “Now comes a difficult choice,
each of these men is dedicated to the service of our son, Michael,
each has trained for the honor of Knight Protector and each of them
is worthy. Lady Ardellen and I must now confer before making our
    Jatar stepped back from the kneeling

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