Reckless Abandon

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Book: Reckless Abandon by Heather Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Leigh
Tags: Adult
entered with a manila envelope in hand.
    “The fuck do you want?” I rolled my shoulder back, and cocked my head back. It was the basic alpha male stance. Motherfucker wants to go? Then let’s fucking go.
    “Shut the fuck up.” Jax slammed the door shut and took his seat at the head of the table. The only lighting in the room were spotlights on the table. Jax sat in the fading darkness.
    “Mother fucker, you brought me here. What the fuck for?”  I clenched my fists on the table in front of me. My veins grew thicker every time my hands opened and closed. Without a word, he opened the folder that was sitting in front of him. He tossed an 8x10 photograph of Eva in front of me. I stopped the sliding picture and spun it to face me. There was her beautiful face staring right back at me. The photograph was in black and white. She sat in front of a café drinking coffee and reading on her tablet. She looked innocent, happy even. The only thing I didn’t like about the photograph was that she had no idea she was being watched.
    “How do you know her?”
    “I don’t.” I turned the photograph back around and slid it back towards him.
    “Maybe you didn’t get a good look.” Jax palmed the picture and put it back in my face, “I’ll ask again, how the fuck to do you know Eva?”
    “I said-” Jax cut me off.
    “Stop fucking lying!” he shouted.
    “She’s your old lady, shouldn’t you be asking her?”
    “Oh I plan on it.” His dirty smirk made my stomach turn.
    “What’s your beef with me? You have no concern when it comes to me.”
    “My family is my concern.”
    “And what does that have to do with me? Sounds like a personal problem. Like I said, talk to your woman.” Those words tasted like shit.
    Jax re-opened the folder on the tabletop. He picked up a smaller-sized photograph.
    “You don’t want to know how I know you’re lying?” He angled his eyebrow.
    “I’m good.” I rolled my seat backwards and stood up. Just as I was about to beat my fist on the door, I heard the picture flick over towards my end of the table. It was eating at me to see the picture. Peering over my shoulder, I saw the picture lying face down. I rotated my body toward the table, and plucked the picture up.
    “You take a look at that picture and then re-think your answer to my earlier question.” Jax talked with a Black & Mild cigar hanging on his lips. The spark from his lighter lit his face.
    My eyes scanned the picture in my hand. My heart stopped. This has got to be a fucking joke. I placed the picture back on the table and pounded on the door. Devils greeted me and took me back to my holding room. I tried to process what I had just seen. I couldn’t wait for Eva’s next visit; she had a lot of explaining to do.
    I pulled up to our house and went inside knowing that Roxy just put baby Gio to bed.
    “Babe?” I called out to her. I tossed my keys onto the coffee table and toed off my riding boots.
    “Yeah?” She walked into the front room wearing a short black cotton robe while she braided her long hair. Roxy paused and gave me a quick kiss. I rewarded her with a swat on the ass.
    “You hear from Nic at all?”
    “Mmm, no I haven’t, why? What did Jeremy do now?” That made me laugh.
    “Nothing that I know of, yet. Nicole, Jer, and Hunter are M.I.A.”
    “Maybe they’re busy in a ménage a trios,” Rox snickered as she pushed the front of her body to mine. Her arms came around my neck, and a small sigh escaped her lips. I enjoyed being able to wrap myself around her. Before, her expanding belly stood in my way.
    “Nice, babe. It’s been too quiet at the clubhouse. After church, the three of them seemed to up and disappear. Cell phones are off. Thinking we should be starting to worry.” Roxy’s small hands drifted down my shoulders and found their way under my cut. She ran her fingertips over my chest. She knew exactly what she was doing.
    I inhaled her sweet scent. “Rox,” I groaned as I

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