Reckless Abandon

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Book: Reckless Abandon by Heather Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Leigh
Tags: Adult
placed her hands on the tops of his thighs; dropped her ass, and then brought it back up, pressed into Jax’s crotch.
    “I’m going to fuckin’ kill him!” I charged the tabletop again, knocking it over this time. The two men guarding our table pulled their pieces on me.  The barrels of their guns pointed to either side of my temples. The music cut in the club and Nicole froze, demanding Jax to tell his men to back down.
    “It looks like Moretti wants a better view, bring him closer!” Jax yelled out.
    “You heard him.” They grabbed me by the crook of my elbows and dragged me up to the stage. Front and center.  Derrick and Hunter joined me as well. Great, let’s all get a close up of this fucked up situation.  Jax snapped his fingers to cue the music. Nicole was stiff as a board, until Jax grabbed her around the waist again, and pulled her to his front.
    I wanted to crawl under a rock and die. Jax was humiliating me, and killing Jeremy at the same time. Now my lady business is on display for this whole damn club. I could feel the blush of my embarrassment spread across my chest and face. Thank God, the spotlights on the ceiling rafters drowned everyone in the crowd out. My eyes squinted as I felt the sweat bead down my neck and between my breasts. I felt Jax’s arm snake around my waist, and he pulled me backwards toward him. The exposed flesh on my ass felt the warmth of his chest through the exposed part of his thin shirt from underneath his cut. His fingertips glided up along the sides of my thighs. I could feel his calloused hands over the hosiery on my legs. It made me shudder when I felt him flick my garter belt, and it snap up against my thigh as he unfastened my front right hose. Moving further up, I held my breath, knowing where his destination was. As Jax’s fingertips trailed up to my pussy, he paused. I peeked down to see his hands weren’t even on me anymore, and Jax had a sickened expression on his face. What the fuck?
    “You!” Jax yelled, pushing me away as he stood, and pointed to my guys. They all looked just as confused as I was.
    “Fucking cut the music and put the fucking lights on!” Jax roared, and before he even finished his sentence, his wishes were granted.
    “Who the fuck are you?” Jax yelled as he put one hand on the stage, hopped down onto the main floor and got right in Hunter’s face. Hunter’s instincts kicked in and he bumped his chest against Jax’s and shoved him away.
    “Stop it!” I pleaded.
    Jeremy and Derrick were there to back Hunter up.
    “Don’t worry about who the fuck I am,” Hunter spat at him.
    What in God’s name was this about?
    “I want him in my office now,” Jax commanded, and just like that, Hunter was plucked from the crowd and was gone. Jeremy looked up at me, and I started to go to him. Fuck this shit. He made it to the edge of the stage as I knelt down. My fingertips skimmed the stubble on his cheek before my hand was suddenly snatched away by Jax.
    “And what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” The rage in his eyes was something I hadn’t seen before, and it scared the shit out of me.
    “Just let them go!”
    “No!” Jeremy snarled as Jax basically palmed my lower face and shoved me backwards to fall onto my ass. My knees squeezed together as I tried to cover my out and about lady business, but Jax grabbed both of my wrists, hauled me up and over to one of his men.
    “Put her away. I need to take care of some business.” Jax motioned me away and his attention focused on Hunter. The last glimpse I had before I was dragged off the stage was Jeremy and Derrick going face to face with Devil’s MC members.

Chapter 11
    “Wait here.” An MC member pressed me down into a seat in front of a large wooden table. This room was where the Devil’s MC held Church. Jax had some serious balls taking me here. What the fuck did he want with me? Just as I finished my train of thought, the main doors opened and Jax

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