Reckless Abandon

Free Reckless Abandon by Heather Leigh

Book: Reckless Abandon by Heather Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Leigh
Tags: Adult
then the spotlights illuminated the stage. There were a flock of girls filing out onto the stage in a single file line, holding large feathered fans that nearly covered their entire bodies. Doing a synchronized dance, they revealed themselves; each wore a different styled panty. Thong, briefs, bikini, shorts, G-string, you name it- they wore it. After their little show and dance, they all huddled together with their clustered fans fluttering as the lights dimmed down. The spotlight above projected down on what they were about to reveal. All at once the girls moved away, exposing Nicole.
    The breath that I was holding in my lungs left me. Fuckin’-A, she was beautiful. Realization hit me that every pair of eyes in this place was on my Old Lady, and she was wearing close to nothing. My jaw clenched along with my fists. She stood sideways with her hip popped. My eyes trailed up her lean legs, pausing at where her garter belt connected to the top of her stockings. Her smooth skin shimmered under the lights. Her hair and makeup were done perfectly, but her eyes were scanning the room in a panic. Then they found me and I saw the fear in them.
    The music started and Nic closed her eyes as she took a deep breath. Jax was doing just what he said he was going to do. Make her the club’s entertainment, and his own. Warrant’s “Cherry Pie” flooded through the clubhouse. Fucking typical, and fucking convenient that Nicole was sporting those cherry red colors. 
    “Easy.” Hunter leaned over to me. He noticed I was starting to stand up in the booth. Remembering where I was, I sat back down. I did all that I could do, which was to watch Nicole perform. She was stiff and hesitant at first. I saw her look to the side of the stage, directly at Jax who stood with his arms crossed and a shit-eating grin on his smug face. The men of the Devil’s MC were hooting and hollering for her to give them what they wanted, a show. Her round hips rolled, and their catcalls were almost deafening. They all wanted her, over my goddamn dead body. Each one of those fuckers was going to die. Nicole stared straight at Jax as her demeanor switched gears- she was going to give him what he wanted. I bit down on my clenched fist that I had resting at my mouth.
    A single steel chair was placed on stage. Nicole grabbed ahold of the back of the chair, and the entire room caught sight of her gorgeous ass. A heavily tattooed man leaned up on stage and slapped her ass. Swiftly she spun on her heel with her hand raised, but Jax caught her attention. She looked back down at the man who had just placed his fuckin’ hands on her, placed her heel on his shoulder and seductively but roughly pushed him back down to his seat. I wish that heel went right through that cunt licker’s flesh. Going for the chair again, she spun the back of the chair to face the crowd. Biting her lip, she straddled the seat. Christ. Nicole was wearing crotchless panties. Her pussy was on display for each and every single set of eyes in here. The room erupted in a satisfied roar. Nic’s eyes were on me, pleading for me to stay calm. But that wasn’t fucking happening. Derrick and Hunter each placed a cuffed hand on my shoulder as I stood, knocking the table out from the booth. The fuck I was going to sit through this shit.
    Jax followed Nicole’s line of vision and his face broke out into a smile. This is what he wanted. Stepping out on the stage, Nicole stood up from the chair and stepped away from him. Jax grabbed the back of the chair, spun it around and sat down. He patted his goddamn lap. Nicole froze. Halfway getting out of the seat, he grabbed her waist and his club brothers went fucking crazy. His left hand splayed across her stomach as she stood between his legs, facing forward. Her head dropped for a brief second. I could see his lips moving, mouthing, “dance” to her as his right hand slapped her ass. Nicole’s jaw clenched and she slowly started her routine back up. She

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