Miss Minnie and the Brass Pluggit

Free Miss Minnie and the Brass Pluggit by Sahara Kelly

Book: Miss Minnie and the Brass Pluggit by Sahara Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sahara Kelly
Tags: Romance
brushed her mouth at first, then it had happened. He’d groaned, she’d gasped, and they were locked together, teeth clashing, mouths sucking and devouring as their tongues dueled and learned and tasted…
    Her body ached, her breasts became tender and swollen and she could feel the moisture flowering at the junction of her thighs.
    She would have stripped naked and taken him inside her without hesitation. Right there, in the living room, in front of the entire Atlantic Ocean—or at least a small part of it.
    He was similarly affected—if the large hard bulge in his trousers was any indication. He signaled his intentions by thrusting it against her and she knew she’d willingly parted her legs and thrust back.
    God, it had been erotic. Some mad unleashed lust, pouring over them both like the moonlight, driving sanity away with a single touch and replacing it with pure need. She had no idea when his hands had found her breasts, only that she was moaning into his mouth as he thumbed a nipple to sensitive, almost painful hardness with urgency.
    Neither did she realize she’d slipped her own hand down between them and sought his erection, enfolding as much as she could in her grasp and squeezing it firmly through his trousers.
    Exactly when they both became aware of what they were doing—well, she wasn’t sure of that either.
    But at some point they’d torn their mouths apart and panted, staring at each other in the dim light. She was afraid to move, afraid they’d take that final leap and spend the night naked, doing what they both wanted…fucking each other into unconsciousness.
    Minnie ached with the urge to do just that. But she wasn’t an idiot nor a desperate youngster. Her experience stood her in good stead and although it was a challenging battle, she recaptured control of her wayward impulses.
    Pierce was in much the same state. His voice was low, edgy, harsh with his desire. “Not yet. But soon.”
    “Yes.” She whispered the word back, pushing it around a lump of lust that had stuck in her throat. “Soon.”
    And she’d fled, shamelessly running from him, from his heat, from the need that had erupted between them. She’d fled from the knowledge that he might be more than she could handle and they’d both find themselves enmeshed in something beyond their imaginings.
    The mere idea that such a thing might happen scared Minnie to bits and she ran away before she could do something really stupid.
    Like grab him, tear his clothes off and sate desires she didn’t even know she possessed.
    She rose on one elbow, punched the pillow and lay back down again, trying to breathe calmly and relieve the frustration racking her every nerve ending. This was silly, she told herself. Juvenile even. She’d certainly been kissed before. And she’d been touched before.
    She enjoyed sex, enjoyed the intimacy of lovemaking and even enjoyed pushing a few boundaries now and again. She wasn’t averse to trying new positions and found the occasional spanking to be very erotic and arousing.
    She liked exploring men, learning what they liked and didn’t like. It had all been rather fun, she mused, a most pleasant end to an evening, an enhancement to a relationship, and now and again quite breathtaking.
    But this was the first time a simple kiss had nearly blown the ears off her head. The first time the touch of a man’s lips, a man’s hands, had ratcheted up her arousal to the point where she was ready to lie down and spread her legs while begging him to fuck her blind.
    She wanted him. In the bluntest and most fundamental ways. She wanted to really fuck him and have him fuck her back. There was no ladylike delicacy here, no gentle seduction or polite euphemisms. There were no euphemisms at all for what she was feeling right this minute.
    Her body crawled with lust, her sex was moist, her nipples hard. Sweat dewed her skin, and it was as if hot needles danced low in her belly. Almost painful, making her wince and bite her

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