Heavy Hearts

Free Heavy Hearts by Kylie Kaemke

Book: Heavy Hearts by Kylie Kaemke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kylie Kaemke
to want me.
    He brought his left hand up to the torn hem of my shirt and he pushed it upward revealing my upper half. He took his hand off my breast and leaned in to cover me in kisses. His lips felt so carnal against my skin, like he couldn’t fully satisfy his taste for my flesh. He moved down lower to my belly button, his lips still exploring. Every inch of my body was on fire and I couldn’t sit still. I let out a small moan and willed him to continue undressing me.
    I unbuttoned my shorts and attempted to wiggle out of them, but it was difficult to get a grip on them with his weight on top of me. He realized what I was struggling to do and lent a hand. He hooked his thumbs into my belt loops and peeled the fabric off my body. I arched my back lifting myself off the bed to make it easier for him to slide them off. I raised my arms and slipped myself out of my t-shirt. I was now exposed in only a black bra and a pair of white cotton panties. Without me even knowing he slipped himself out of his pants and was back in between my legs in only his dark red briefs.  
    The two of us, now half-naked, wrapped ourselves in a cocoon of flesh and it was hard to tell where one began and the other ended. We explored each other’s bodies for what seemed like hours. Heavy breaths and sultry moans filled the silence in the room and then there was nothing that mattered. We completely forfeited to one another and there was no chance of surrender.
    I woke up the next morning, replenished, like I was missing a piece of myself and I had found it in Simon. I lay on the pillow top mattress, enjoying the feeling of the warmth that only another body lying next to you could offer. Simon was still asleep, but his arm was tightly wrapped around me. We fell asleep naked and holding each other. He was softly snoring as I nuzzled my face into his chest. I enjoyed him sleeping, but my arm was pinned between us, and it felt awful. I lifted my head and planted soft kisses on his stubbly chin to try and composedly wake him.
    It worked, and soon his eyes fluttered open, and his body rolled backwards freeing my arm. I pulled it out swiftly, squeezing the life back into my muscles. He gave me a look full of worry. “Oh… I’m so sorry! Are you alright?”
    “Yeah, I’m fine… just a little tingly. I’ll live.” I said with a smile to ease his conscious.
    He put a hand on my arm and slid his fingers over my numb skin. Giving it a light kiss he smiled at me and whispered “Hi.”
    “Hi.” I repeated. We stared at each other for a bit too long, and then I realized that I was completely naked.
    I knew I should have had nothing to be embarrassed about (not after last night) but something about being in the morning sunlight, all exposed, I just felt unsure of myself. I pulled the white sheet closer to my body, making sure all my parts were covered.
    “Something the matter?” His worried look smeared across his face once more, and I thought to myself how silly I was being.
    “No, not at all. I had a terrific time last night.” I recovered and slipped myself back into his arms.
    “ Mmmmm yes, I did too. You my dear are insatiable.” Funny, since that was the word that I had been thinking about him for the previous twenty-four hours. He was truly insatiable, and I never wanted that moment to end. But, unfortunately everything must come to an end.
    I heard my phone vibrating from the nightstand next to me, I reached over to grab it and a few text messages and missed calls from Adam were blinking urgently at me. My eyes glanced upward on the screen at the time and it was nearly one o’clock in the afternoon. My first instinct was to be appalled at the time, shocked at the fact that I slept past nine a.m. But I decided to take a deep breath and relax. I was on vacation for crying out loud.
    “Oh lord, Adam is bombarding me with messages. I should call him and let him know I’m alive and well.” Simon smirked and replied with “I’ll

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