Open In Private
accommodate more than work and the occasional social evening. All work and no play makes Parker a dull boy. His life had turned into too much work and not enough play.
    The week passed in a strange combination of speed and snail's pace. As long as Carli kept busy, time moved quickly. But as soon as she took a break, her thoughts turned to Parker and time slowed almost to a halt. Even though he called her every night, sometimes just to say goodnight to her, they hadn't seen each other since he left her house on Saturday night. Her body ached for his touch. She never dreamed she could miss someone as much as she did him. A realization that confirmed just how deep her emotional involvement ran.
    And here it was, Saturday again, and they were scheduled to go out to dinner. She checked her appearance in the full-length mirror. She had fixed her hair in a new style and was pleased with the results. Just one change. She took off her necklace and put on a different one.
    Butterflies flitted around in her stomach. It felt more like the uncertainty of a first date than dinner with a man she felt comfortable with, a man she physically knew in very intimate detail. And just the thought made her pussy tingle. Then another thought, obviously generated by her pussy rather than her brain. What if she greeted him wearing only a smile and holding a can of whipped cream?
    She thought of the flavored massage oil and the chocolate body paint in the drawer of her nightstand, just two of several items she had bought for herself yesterday while in one of those specialty shops to purchase a few items on a client's list. Adhering to this gentleman’s very specific gift list used to embarrass her when he first became one of her clients, but not anymore. In fact, doing his shopping for the last three years had turned out to be a real education.
    Moisture seeped from between her pussy lips, dampening the crotch of her lacy bikini panties. Her nipples puckered into taut buds. The soft fabric of her blouse felt good against her bare breasts. Being braless always made her feel sexy. Combine that with her thoughts and new purchases…
    Her pussy throbbed and her boobs demanded attention. Would he be too disappointed if she seduced him the moment he walked in the door? Her breathing increased and her pulse quickened. It had been a week since they'd had sex. Was he as horny as she felt?
    With a slightly trembling hand, she dialed his cell phone. "Our dinner reservations for tonight…were they difficult to get?"
    "No." His voice carried both confusion and concern. "Is there a problem?"
    A chuckle escaped her throat, one decidedly more sexy than she had intended. "No problem, just a suggestion."
    "Well, if your suggestion is even half as lewd and raunchy as that laugh, you can sign me up. Anything you want me to bring? I was just walking out to my car when you called. I can stop to pick up whatever you need."
    "The only thing I need is for you to be here."
    His sensual moan told her all she needed to know.
    Parker disconnected from the call, then returned to his bedroom. After phoning the restaurant to cancel their dinner reservation, he changed from his suit to a pair of jeans and sweater. It was obvious they would be staying in for the evening, which was more than okay with him. He had one stop he wanted to make on his way to her house. An involuntary grin tugged at the corners of his mouth.
    Half an hour later Parker pulled into her driveway. He took a moment to admire all the decorations and Christmas lights adorning the outside of the house. As soon as he reached the porch, the front door swung open. He paused for a moment to take in the vision standing before him, a sight that nearly took his breath away.
    Black lace bikini panties, a sheer black negligee, and a sexy smile. "Oh, yes." His voice carried a husky quality he couldn't control. His arousal quickly expanded. "You're a mouth-watering treat, exactly what I'm hungry for."
    He stepped inside

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