
Free Limelight by M Jet

Book: Limelight by M Jet Read Free Book Online
Authors: M Jet
each other.  All of each other.
    Tara popped off the couch, and onto her knees on the floor.  She took Layla by the hips, guided her down into a seated position and pulled her forward.  Her feet rested on the floor and Tara eagerly spread her legs. 
    "Oh, baby, yes," Layla moaned, throwing her head back and closing her eyes as Tara sought and found her wetness with two twirling fingers.  "Yes, yes, yes," she cried.  Tara fingered her G-spot and lowered her face to tongue Layla's clit at the same time.  A string of naughty words tumbled out of Layla's mouth as her passion mounted.  Tara saw to herself as well, banging both Layla's and her own pussy with the same rhythmic intensity.
    Soon both women found themselves on the living room floor lit only by the light of the television.  They moved into a scissor like tangle of legs and pelvises, and began grinding their clits together.  Both women moved in a sultry rapid rhythm, panting and rotating their hips as a mutual, powerful orgasm approached.
    Which was when the front door, located in that very room, banged open.
    Layla and Tara, yanked from their passionate reverie, tore apart from each other, both floundering for their dresses.  But it was useless.  Seth had turned on the living room light and stood there gaping.
    They scrambled to put on their dresses and both fought tears as they peeked at his face.  He stared open mouthed for and instant, and then his face split into that malevolent grin they'd both seen before.
    "Well, well, well," he said with a raunchy tone, strolling toward them.  "Why am I not surprised?"
    Tara leapt up and darted toward the kitchen where both of them had left their purses.  But, Seth snagged her by the elbow and jerked her to an abrupt halt.  Layla leapt to her feet as well, advancing toward them.
    "Where you think you're going, there, sweet ass?" Seth said condescendingly.  Tara's pretty face blanched.
    "Get your hand off me, Seth," Tara said.  Any shrapnel of guilt she'd felt had swiftly been replaced by anger.  "I'm getting our purses, and then I'm taking Layla the fuck OUT of here.  You got me?" she barked, staring him dead in the eye.
    Seth chuckled.  He dropped her arm, but before she could take even one step, he delivered a punch to her jaw that sent her clamoring to the floor.
    "Oh god NO!" Layla screamed, dropping to the floor next to her wounded lover.  An angry red bruise already formed on Tara's jaw.  Layla began to sob, but Tara refused to let any tears fall.
    Seth hulked over them.  "Here's how this is going to play out, ladies," he growled.  "No dike bitch is coming into my house and fucking my wife.  Unless…  She fucks me too."  The leering smile he gave them was so ugly; Layla shuddered to think exactly what all he might be on.  It said clearly, that Seth was capable of anything.
    "Stop Seth," Layla begged.  "Just let Tara leave, and we'll work this out privately."
    "Layla, no.  I won't leave you here alone with him," Tara said urgently.
    Seth cackled again.  "That's right, lover, you sure won't," he agreed.  "Now let's not play games.  All I want's a little pussy girls!  Just like you!  Does that make me bad?"
    Layla and Tara rested on their knees facing each other.  Layla gave her a pleading look.  "Let's just give him what he wants, baby.  Please," she asked softly.
    Tara's face looked stricken.  She regarded Layla with wide, horrified eyes.  "Layla, what…  What are you saying?"
    Layla leaned close and placed her lips right up to Tara's ears.  "Just this once, so we can get out of here.  And we'll never look back.  Please baby, please."
    Tara sobbed inconsolably.  "I…  I can't believe you'd ask me this, Layla.  No, please, no!"
    With a vicious roar, Seth reached down, grabbed Tara by her hair, and yanked her up.  "NO!  What the fuck do you mean NO?" he screamed.  Layla shrieked, crawling on her hands and knees, and grabbed at Seth's pants leg.  But he acted as though

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