The Warrior Elf

Free The Warrior Elf by Mackenzie Morgan

Book: The Warrior Elf by Mackenzie Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mackenzie Morgan
    Doreen nodded. “I’m interested.”
    The older woman stood up, took off her apron, and handed it to Doreen. “Thank goodness! I’m sick of cooking all the meals around here. The kitchen’s all yours now.”
    Before the older lady could sit back down, the younger woman grinned, pulled a dust rag out of her pocket, and tossed it to Doreen. “Welcome to the family! You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this day.”
    Doreen frowned at Jared. “I don’t understand.”
    Jared pointed to the older woman. “Let me introduce my mother, and the other one’s my sister. I have another sister, but she’s cleaning the fish market right now.” Jared leaned back in his chair and smiled at the women seated on the couch. “I told you things would work out.”
    “Wait a minute,” Doreen said. “Have you told your mother and sisters that once we’re married, I’ll take over the housework?”
    “Of course, as well as cleaning the fish market and dry goods store. I promised my sisters they could live here for free if they’d do the cleaning until I found a wife. Now they can spend their time looking for husbands.”
    Jared’s mother smiled. “And I get to spend all my time playing with my grandchildren. Can’t wait for you to start delivering.”
    Doreen’s eyebrows inched up. “Grandchildren?”
    “Jared said the contract stipulated you have to have three children within the first five years of marriage. You’ll need to get started right away, just in case you have trouble getting pregnant.”
    Doreen glared at Jared.
    “That’s what the contract says, and your father signed it.”
    “But I didn’t,” Doreen protested. “You expect me to keep house, do the shopping, cooking, tend to your store and market, all while having three children in five years?”
    Jared nodded.
    Doreen stared at Jared for a full minute. “There is no way I’ll agree to that. I am not going to be anybody’s slave. No.”
    “Once you’re my wife, you’ll do as I say,” Jared hissed.
    “I’ll never be your wife. I wouldn’t marry you if you were the last man on Terah!” Doreen stood up and nodded to Rigel.
    “If you turn my marriage offer down now, don’t come crawling back later. There will be no further discussion.”
    Both Jared’s mother and sister jumped up as his mother yelled, “No! You have to marry him! You have no choice! Your father signed a contract! We’ll take it to the district minister and make him enforce it!”
    Doreen shook her head. “Before I came, I discussed this with Myron, the Master Sorcerer. He said no one was going to be forced to marry anyone against their will. I imagine his word will overrule your minister’s.”
    Jared’s sister stormed across the room and shook her finger in Doreen’s face. “You can’t ignore your father’s wishes! You have to honor his word!”
    Doreen slowly shook her head again. “This is not what my father wanted and it’s not what I was promised. No one said one word to me about children, and your business manager assured me I would have servants to handle the housework. All I was supposed to be responsible for was giving directions.”
    Jared shook his head. “With all these mouths to feed, I can’t afford servants.”
    “Well, you’ll have one less mouth to feed now.” As Doreen turned towards the door to leave, she looked back at the younger woman. “I hope the man you find to marry will be more trustworthy than your brother. Good luck.”
    ~ ~ ~ ~
    When Kevin and Alek got back to Bushwell, Kevin spotted Rigel and Doreen standing beside the blacksmith shop. Doreen was clearly angry and Rigel seemed to be trying to calm her down.
    When Rigel noticed Kevin and Alek, he nudged Doreen in their direction. She closed her mouth, but her fists were clenched and her eyes were spitting fire. As soon as she reached Kevin, she grabbed his arm and demanded, “Take me to Jana’s. Now.”
    Once Alek and Rigel had their hands on his other arm,

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