Engulf [New World Book 5]

Free Engulf [New World Book 5] by C.L. Scholey

Book: Engulf [New World Book 5] by C.L. Scholey Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.L. Scholey
seeking my touch. Why do you battle so much inside? We are mated.”
    “We only just met. You saved me, mated me, and gave me partial hearing. But I can feel you want more.”
    “I want to join in the most intimate way. But I can scent you don’t want to.”
    Raiden looked so sad. Abri felt so confused. Sex wasn’t something she just did on a whim—not that she’d had the opportunity in the last year. Yes, he had mated her, but it was only to save her life.
    “I don’t want to have sex as a reward for saving my life,” Abri said.
    “A reward?”
    “A thank you.”
    Raiden looked at her in an odd way. “I wouldn’t want to join with you because you felt you owed me.”
    Strangely enough when he said this, Abri felt a bitter taste on her tongue. She made a face. “Ick, what is that?”
    “My emotion.”
    “I can taste your emotion?”
    “It’s how you know I can never lie to you, nor you me. You will be able to scent me, my emotions, feelings, everything. All of it will heighten as time passes.”
    Abri tasted something else. It was so odd. She wanted to weep. Raiden was sad. She knew it. “I hurt you.”
    Abri couldn’t stand it. Did he feel this too? He must. She had to stop his hurt. Abri cupped his face in her hands and very tenderly, she kissed him. His lips were moist and soft and warm and oh-so-welcoming. His breath slid into her mouth, down her throat. The disgusting taste disappeared. Abri nipped at his bottom lip. When she gazed up into his gray eyes, she saw wonder.
    “You look like you’ve never been kissed before,” she said and smiled.
    “I hadn’t.”
    “How old did you say you were?”
    “About four hundred years. The females on our planet died after I turned four.”
    “All of them?”
    “Yes. They were poisoned by a Tonan spy.”
    “If Tonans are so awful, why would they be allowed to stay on your planet?”
    “A number of Tonans mated with human females. I guess even the Tonans got lonely. Scent is everything to a Castian. If our leader, Cobra, thought for a second any of the mated Tonans posed a threat he would eradicate them. Human females are very emotional creatures. Tonans aren’t immune to their senses. It was a shock to us all.
    “I know it sounds odd, but once mated to a human female, a Tonan is no longer in control of what to them would seem rational. Their rationale is corruption and fear. Some still struggle occasionally with anger, but they have been rendered harmless. If they were to destroy their human females, they would destroy themselves. Tonans cannot self-destruct.”
    “All of your females are dead? No wonder you wanted a mate.”
    “No. It’s not like that. I wouldn’t want just anyone. There were six females on the planet. The first time I touched you, my essence claimed you. Your scent fills me. Will you touch your lips to mine again? I’ve never felt anything like it.”
    Abri thought he looked like a kid who had glimpsed his Christmas presents and wanted to play with them. When he touched her, she was ready for him. Secretions on his damp palms absorbed into her skin. He was right—his body did know hers. He was aroused and he was looking for a way to arouse her. Abri could feel him as he moved through her veins, searching. Her breasts throbbed, her nipples puckered, and he groaned.
    When the kiss broke, Abri moved away to once more gaze out the window. Raiden was behind her. She could see his refection. She also saw his stunning erection under his tight white blanket that clung to his hips, molding to his outline. It had been a long time since she’d had physical contact with a man.
    “Where are we going?” she asked.
    “The planet Bagron.”
    “I can never go home again.”
    Raiden placed his hand on her shoulder as the blanket slipped lower. “Home is wherever I am, Abri.”
    Abri glanced back at him. A sound blipped in the room. Raiden went to a panel where his blanket had appeared. He waved his hand and black material emerged. To Abri

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