Soul Rest: A Knights of the Board Room Novel

Free Soul Rest: A Knights of the Board Room Novel by Joey W. Hill

Book: Soul Rest: A Knights of the Board Room Novel by Joey W. Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joey W. Hill
young men with a cardboard tray full of coffee.
    He was too far away to intercept her, so he made himself stay in the car, watching. Logic said they weren’t going to do anything in front of a trio of cops. They also wouldn’t be packing heat under their oversized shirts, because if a cop had a justifiable reason to believe they were carrying, they could get searched and hauled in. Gang members weren’t exactly the types to go through the legal channels to apply for a concealed carry permit.
    Even knowing all that, he didn’t like her being that close to them. Let alone Goddamn chatting with them.
    Whatever she said had them glancing at one another, shifting. One said something that looked a tad belligerent, and she shrugged, responded with a shake of her head. She handed them both a cup from her tray and asked a question. The shorter of the two boys stole a look at the other one and then gave a quick nod. Fishing white sugar packets out of her coat pocket, she handed them to him. When she cocked her head at the other boy, he shook his head, made a motion at her to go away, but Leland noticed he kept a firm hold on his own cup. So did Celeste. With a suppressed smile but an even look, she said something else, then stepped off the curb to cross the street.
    She was wearing a snug camel-colored coat, black slacks and blunt-heeled boots. She had the lithe, athletic movements of a woman who worked out for more than her waistline. He wondered if she played any sports. She’d shown she was pretty sports-savvy last night, but that wasn’t the uppermost thing in his mind as he watched her. The belted coat emphasized her generous breasts. He’d kept his attention mostly below the waist at his place, but that just made him fantasize all the more about closing his hands around those curves, snaking his tongue in the cleavage to tease and caress, moving over to suckle her nipples into swollen cherries. Her pussy would get all wet like it had on his couch. While she was gasping and arched into his mouth, he’d work his cock right into that tight fit.
    The erection he was unwisely creating instantly went on hold when she approached the barrier and extended another coffee to Carter. He took it, which gave Johnson unspoken permission to do the same. The rookie leaped for the coffee like a puppy leaping on a ball. She chatted them up a few moments with the same ease she’d talked to the two boys. Then she wandered over to the curb about twenty feet away. She had a cylindrical tote slung over her shoulder which, as a football fan, he should have immediately recognized. His little Girl Scout pulled out the stadium chair, unfolded it and sat herself down, clicking open her tablet to make some notes.
    She obviously was used to working the streets and talking to his men. What bugged him was their comfort with her, which suggested it was a two-way street.
    Leland got out of the car, his brow drawing down, his mouth set in a thin, hard line.
    They’d seen him pull up, but when Mike saw his expression, he spoke a word to Johnson. The rookie went back to his position on the perimeter with a furtive look. Leland lifted the tape and ducked under it, then gestured Carter to him.
    “I wasn’t aware you were our public information officer now, Mike.” He spoke low, but kept his eyes pinned on his man. He was aware Celeste’s head had lifted when he got out of the car, but he didn’t look her way. Not yet.
    “No, Sarge. It’s not like that.” Carter shifted uncomfortably. “Celly was approved to do some ride-alongs last year when she did an article on the BRPD, so we know her. She’s at a lot of the crime scenes, because she has that blog. If you’ve seen it,” he added lamely as Leland’s expression didn’t alter.
    “Being approved for a fluffy PR piece doesn’t give her open access to information.”
    Mike stiffened, the veteran cop not willing to be pushed around too much. Billy probably would have wet himself, which was why

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