Framed in Cherry Hills (Cozy Cat Caper Mystery Book 2)

Free Framed in Cherry Hills (Cozy Cat Caper Mystery Book 2) by Paige Sleuth

Book: Framed in Cherry Hills (Cozy Cat Caper Mystery Book 2) by Paige Sleuth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paige Sleuth
from the football team.”
    He nodded. “That team is like family to me.”
    Kat couldn’t prevent the pinch of pity she felt for him then. After witnessing the way Vicky treated everyone around her, including her own son, she couldn’t imagine Josh’s home life made for a very pleasant living situation.
    Josh flopped against the BMW, his legs seeming to give way beneath him. “What do you think they’ll do to me?”
    “Your parents?”
    “The cops. They’re going to throw me in jail to rot, aren’t they?”
    “I’m not sure,” Kat said honestly. “Although I hope they’ll work to get you the help you need.”
    He looked at her, his eyes shining as if he might cry. “For the drugs, you mean.”
    Kat nodded, a lump developing in her throat. “You don’t want to go down that path, Josh. You’re so young. You have your whole life ahead of you still.”
    He swiped at his eyes with the back of his hand. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”
    Kat swallowed hard. “For some people it gets better, you know. Once you become an adult.”
    Josh examined her, his lips quivering as if he wanted to ask her something. But after a moment he bowed his head and looked down at his shoes without a word.
    Kat fumbled in her jeans pocket for her cell phone. Her fingers were trembling so badly it took her a couple tries before she got a good grip on the device. “You know I have to tell the police about this, right?”
    Josh nodded without looking at her. He didn’t seem angry or scared anymore, just defeated. From the way his body had folded over on itself, it looked as if every one of his muscles had lost the will to move.
    Kat called Andrew. “Can you come down to Cherry Hills Auto with a couple officers?” she said when he answered. “Josh Easton confessed to planting the drugs in Willow’s car.”
    “I’ll be right there,” he replied.
    Josh glanced at something over his shoulder. “I should go tell the guys I have to take off.”
    Kat watched him walk away, feeling something in her heart give out. She prayed Josh found the help he needed in juvenile detention or wherever he was headed.
    Sometimes, she reflected, maybe being taken away was the best thing, for everyone.

    Kat smiled at the petite Asian woman sliding into a booth seat in her section of Jessie’s Diner. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
    “Likewise,” Willow Wu replied. “Imogene says I owe you a big thank-you for figuring out who set me up.”
    Imogene beamed as she sat down opposite Willow. “See, I told you she was a great addition to 4F.”
    Willow swiped at a single tear that slipped down one cheek before looking at Kat again. “Thank you.”
    Kat shrugged. “I didn’t do much really. I almost think Josh was somewhat relieved to have been caught.”
    “Even so,” Willow said. “Without your nudge, he might never have confessed.”
    The bell on the front door tinkled, announcing the arrival of another restaurant patron.
    “Look who it is!” Imogene gushed.
    Kat turned around. Her heart beat a little faster at the sight of Andrew heading toward them.
    “Hi, ladies.” He grinned at Imogene, Willow, and Kat in turn. A tingling sensation spread throughout Kat’s entire body when his eyes lingered on her for what felt like a fraction longer than the others.
    Imogene scooted over and patted the seat next to her. “You have to join Willow and me for lunch. We’re celebrating.”
    Andrew sat down. “I suppose I could do that.” He nodded at Willow. “It’s nice to meet you.”
    Imogene grabbed his arm. “Andrew, has Kat invited you to our 4F benefit dinner yet?”
    Kat’s face flushed as Andrew’s gaze met hers.
    Andrew returned his focus to Imogene. “No, she hasn’t.”
    “Well, let’s correct that right now!” Imogene pulled her purse onto her lap and started rummaging through it with all the vigor of a dog digging for a bone.
    Andrew extracted his wallet from his pants pocket. “How much

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