Little Croker

Free Little Croker by Joe O'Brien

Book: Little Croker by Joe O'Brien Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe O'Brien
Trinity with her jaw hanging open.
    â€˜Do you two know each other? Like, how do you two know each other? You can’t. It’s impossible. He’s not from around here, and like, you haven’t been around in ages, Trinity, so you can’t know who he is!’
    It was just too much for Lowry. The thought of one of her friends knowing that Danny was her cousin was killing her, but when Trinity and Danny explained how they had previously met, Lowry calmed down.
    Just a bit of bad luck! thought Lowry. It happens!
    Lowry dragged Trinity upstairs to her room.
    If we’re stuck in with those two clowns all night, there’s no way I’m exposing my friend to Danny any more than I have to, thought Lowry.
    Jonathon couldn’t resist slagging Danny.
    â€˜She fancies you!’ he laughed. 
    â€˜Get lost,’ muttered Danny.
    â€˜You’re going red. You must fancy her too!’
    Jonathon was now rolling around the floor in stitches.
    â€˜Shut up, ye muppet!’
    Danny tried to look serious, but he just couldn’t resist a small smile.
    Larry popped his head in the door.
    â€˜What’s so funny?’ he asked
    Jonathon nearly leapt to his feet.
    â€˜Nothing, Dad!’
    â€˜Larry! I can’t find the camera,’ called Regina from upstairs.
    â€˜That woman!’ muttered Larry as he hurried out the door.
    Danny jumped back on Jonathon’s case about the trip.
    â€˜You’re going to have to come up with something or you won’t be going.’
    â€˜We could ask Trinity to help us,’ suggested Jonathon.
    â€˜How is Trinity going to help us? And why would she?’
    Jonathon just smiled at Danny and nodded his head.
    Danny went red again.
    Jonathon was right. Trinity must have had a soft spot for Danny because when they asked for her help during one of her snack visits to the kitchen, she was all for helping them come up with a plan to get Jonathon on the trip.
    Danny, Jonathon and Trinity spent most of the evening going over and over what they called, ‘Operation Larry’ while Lowry sat tutting.
    â€˜It won’t work,’ she said. ‘You’re all going to be crucified when Father finds out.’
    When Larry and Regina finally got home, Trinity didn’t waste any time in putting ‘Operation Larry’ into action.
    Larry and Regina were in the kitchen having a nightcap.
    Trinity walked in with Lowry, while Danny and Jonathon crept down to the bottom of the staircase to listen in.
    â€˜I’m off, guys,’ said Trinity.
    â€˜See you, petal!’ said Regina.
    Larry just nodded.
    Just as Trinity was heading out the door, she turned to Regina and said, ‘Oh! Regina, when you see Jonathon could you tell him that my brother Sebastian is having a sleepover on Friday night, if he wants come over?’
    Regina looked at Larry.
    â€˜That’s Halloween night.’
    Larry nodded.
    â€˜Bye!’ said Trinity and she left the rest to Lady Luck.
    Danny and Jonathon waited in desperate anticipation.
    â€˜Danny’s away with his club that night, isn’t he?’ asked Regina.
    Larry laughed.
    â€˜That’s right! Just imagine the peace we’d have with those two out of the house.’
    There was nothing said after that, but Danny and Jonathon looked at each other and smiled. They knew that ‘Operation Larry’ was going well, but it still needed a few final touches.
    The following day, Regina mentioned the sleepover to Jonathon.
    Jonathon played along, pretending that he didn’t know anything about it.
    â€˜I didn’t know that you and Trinity’s brother were friends,’ said Regina.
    â€˜We weren’t until I joined this new club in school. He seems okay.’
    Larry walked into the room just as Jonathon spoke.
    â€˜Would you like to stay over at his house on Halloween?’ asked Regina.
    Those were the critical words that Jonathon was waiting to hear.

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