Sweetest Little Sin

Free Sweetest Little Sin by Christine Wells

Book: Sweetest Little Sin by Christine Wells Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine Wells
shook his head. “No accounting for taste, is there?”
    Louisa hesitated. It was tempting to tell Max about her conversation with Faulkner. Her brother had many years’ experience in the field and knew what Louisa would be up against. But he’d be bound to stop her if he thought she might run into danger on this mission. Besides, she’d signed a certain piece of paper that gave her oath not to reveal anything she learned from Faulkner.
    Strange, but wary as she was, the prospect of Radleigh’s house party shone like a beacon in the dreary fog of her present existence. She didn’t yet know what lay in store for her, but at the very least, her sojourn at Radleigh’s house would not be dull.
    Jardine had smashed her halcyon dream of the future to pieces, yet she was bound to him, whether she could prove they’d married or not. At least, working for Faulkner, she was doing something that mattered.
    But today was designed for pleasure. Even if she couldn’t enjoy it with a whole heart, she was glad to spend time with two of the people who were dearest to her in the world. What a pity Kate and Max would be traveling north while Millicent was away. Louisa would have liked their company once this business with Radleigh was done.
    As the gentle breeze stirred wisps of hair around her face, and the sun smiled down, she allowed her mind to drift into a pleasant haze.
    She couldn’t forget Jardine or reconcile herself to this half-life of being neither fish nor fowl, married, yet not married. But she would endure. There were pleasures to be had in the moment, even if one’s future looked decidedly bleak.

    “OHH, I could stay here forever,” murmured Kate. Replete from a sumptuous meal, the ladies lounged against bolsters set on an enormous checked tablecloth, parasols raised to shield their complexions, while the gentlemen stood a small distance away smoking and talking, the low rumble of their voices carried away by the breeze.
    Max detached himself from the group and strolled over to where they sat. “Ladies.” He tipped his hat, his eyes a gray gleam beneath the brim. “Thought I’d take some exercise. Anyone care to join me?”
    “Splendid idea. I’d love to.” Louisa held up her hand and let Max draw her to her feet.
    Kate squinted up at her with a lazy smile. “So energetic, Louisa.” She patted her pregnant belly. “I and my bump shall stay here, thank you.”
    The other ladies declined also. Louisa smiled as she took Max’s arm. She was glad to be alone with her brother. It seemed a long time since they’d had an opportunity to talk.
    Max squeezed her hand in a companionable way and she walked with him, quickening her stride to match his.
    “Where are we going?” she asked, as he led her toward a copse of beech trees. Max always walked purposefully, even when taking a stroll, but an air of alertness clung to him that made her uneasy.
    “You’ll see. There’s a pretty glade in the middle of this wood I think you’ll like.”
    The lush grass sprang underfoot, the sun shone, but the copse they entered was shady, silent, and still, save for the twigs and leaves that snapped and crunched underfoot.
    It was cooler here, with the thickly wooded forest blocking all but a light dapple of sun.
    Louisa gathered her skirts to step over a tree root that cut across the path. She looked up and nearly stumbled.
    Standing in a clearing at the heart of the wood was Jardine.


    THEY stared at one another for long moments, and under his penetrating, assessing gaze any modicum of peace she’d achieved in the past weeks shattered.
    “You.” She glanced sideways, but her traitorous brother had already melted away. She threw a fulminating glance over her shoulder.
    A sense of betrayal burned tightly in her chest. How could he take Jardine’s side over hers?
    “You’ve lost weight,” said Jardine softly, prowling toward her.
    “Complimentary as ever.” Louisa willed herself not to step back, to hold his gaze

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