
Free WestwardWindsV2Arebooks by Linda Bridey

Book: WestwardWindsV2Arebooks by Linda Bridey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Bridey
bucket on the floor to wash up in and then put on her new clothes. Tessa checked her appearance and was pleased with the way she looked. It was a more relaxed fashion, yet still attractive. Her hair was still in the more formal style, so she took it down and brushed it out. She then French braided it. Again, Tessa was happy with the way it looked. She dabbed a little bit of rosewater behind her ears and her toilet was complete.
    She hurriedly put away her things and headed downstairs. As she reached the landing, Sadie and Jack met her there. Sadie took her hand and led her to the kitchen.
    “Aunt Lydia is here to meet you. She helped make supper, too,” the girl said.
    “Splendid!” Tessa was happy to have another woman to talk to.
    As Lydia watched Tessa walk into the kitchen hand in hand with Sadie, she thought that some kind of an angel was coming her way. The girl was certainly beautiful and Dean and Marcus and the children seemed to like her, but Lydia was going to test her right away. She was protective of these people who had quickly become her family and she wasn’t going to put up with any funny business.
    “Hello, Theresa. I’m Lydia Benson, neighbor to the Samuels, and adopted family. It’s good to finally meet you,” Lydia said formally.
    “Please, Lydia, you must call me Tessa. All of my close family and friends do, and I certainly hope we quickly become friends. It’s so good to meet you, as well. Dean has told me many good things about you and your husband, Charlie,” Tessa said. She understood that Lydia’s words were meant as a warning and wanted to put the older woman at ease.
    Tessa extended her hand and gave Lydia a warm smile. Lydia looked closely at Tessa, searching for any sign of falsity or malice. Finding none, she took Tessa’s hand and shook it.
    “Likewise. I like your dress and you have beautiful hair,” Lydia said.
    “Thank you. Something smells good,” Tessa said.
    “Aunt Lydia made fried chicken and mashed potatoes,” Jack told her. “That’s my favorite.”
    Dean laughed. “Almost everything is his favorite.”
    He had finally been able to speak again after watching Tessa come into the room. While she’d been very pretty in her refined clothing, he thought her infinitely more beautiful in the simple clothing she now wore. It had been a long time since he’d felt the stirrings of desire and it was disconcerting. Dean shoved those thoughts aside.
    “C’mon and sit down. We’re almost ready to eat,” Lydia said. To Jack, she said, “Go find your Uncle Seth and let him know to get his rear to supper.”
    Jack tore out the door, intent on his mission.
    “Is there something I can do to help?” Tessa asked.
    “No, no, dear. Please sit. You traveled a long way and need to rest yourself,” Lydia replied.
    Tessa smiled. “All right, but I intend to earn my keep, you know.”
    Lydia laughed. “Don’t worry, you will.”
    Jack soon returned with Seth, who was a slightly larger version of Dean. Seth’s eyes were a slightly flintier blue than Dean’s. He grinned disarmingly at Tessa.
    “Well, ain’t you a fine lookin’ thing,” he said.
    Tessa blushed at his direct compliment and returned his smile. “Thank you, Seth,” she said with a little laugh.
    “Welcome to our crazy life,” Seth said. “We’ll try not to scare you away right away.”
    “Behave yourself, Seth,” Lydia said in a motherly fashion.
    Seth said, “Yes, ma’am,” but his eyes said otherwise.
    Dean didn’t like Seth’s forward behavior and he decided he was going to talk to his brother about it.
    Supper was delicious. Tessa had never eaten fried chicken before and marveled at how tasty it was. The mashed potatoes were creamy and flavored well with butter. There was also canned corn from the last season. Between her empty stomach and the stress of meeting Dean and his family, Tessa’s appetite was great and she cleaned her plate quickly.
    She’d always eaten with decorum but wasn’t

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